Special feature articles unique to DAM News.

Feature Article: How DAM Drives Smarter Social Content Distribution

Andrew Fingerman, CEO of DAM software provider PhotoShelter has recently contributed an article that highlights the increasing demand for speed and authenticity in the digital content landscape, and how DAM systems can empower brands to meet these expectations.  The article also contains numerous practical examples illustrating DAM’s transformative potential …

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Feature Article: Paul Melcher on AI Agents and the Future of DAM

Renowned visual technology expert Paul Melcher has recently contributed an article exploring the potential for AI agents to transform, and ultimately replace, conventional DAM systems.  Paul offers a balanced perspective on their revolutionary capabilities and limitations, illustrating how AI agents, with their ability to perceive, learn, and act autonomously, can …

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Feature Article: Why Vendors Must Adapt to the Shifting Tides of the DAM Market

Digital transformation and IT consultant Martin Reinheimer has kindly contributed an article exploring the new wave of market challenges for DAM and the implications for both vendors and customers alike.  The article examines a number of factors behind this state of flux, including acquisitions, emerging technologies, and changes in the …

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Feature Article: From Silo to Symphony – A Roadmap for DAM Integration Success

As part of our series on DAM Integration, Canto’s Senior Implementation Manager James Fox has contributed an article providing a number of best-practice tips and valuable insights for achieving the most effective and efficient DAM integration.  James highlights that DAM is no longer a mere standalone file repository, but a …

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Feature Article: Examining Professional Ethics in the Age of AI-driven Design

Paul Melcher, visual tech expert and founder of online magazine Kaptur has kindly contributed an article exploring the topics of bias, plagiarism and ownership within AI-assisted creativity such as graphic design, illustration and photography.  This detailed and thoughtful piece examines a broad range of legal and ethical issues, and how …

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Feature Article: Streamlining the Digital Asset Supply Chain: The Power of API-first DAM and AI Automation

Matt Noyes, Senior Director of Product Marketing at Cloudinary, has kindly contributed an article as part of this month’s editorial theme: DAM and the Digital Asset Supply Chain.  Matt covers a range of topics, including the challenges of managing an ever-increasing volume of digital assets across an ever-broadening …

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Feature Article: Embracing AI for a Smarter DAM Future: The Critical Role in Strategy, Integration, and Teamwork

In his third and final piece on Metadata, DAM and AI, Mark Davey begins by focusing on the crucial role of personalisation when integrating artificial intelligence into the DAM ecosystem.  Embracing AI for a Smarter DAM Future: The Critical Role in Strategy, Integration, and Teamwork covers the development of personalised …

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