Special feature articles unique to DAM News.

German Translation Of “An Introduction To DAM Findability Techniques” – Eine Einführung in DAM Auffindbarkeitstechniken

Back in March this year, I wrote an article for DAM News: An Introduction To DAM Findability Techniques.  Ilka Martin of Xenario GmbH has kindly provided us with a translated German language edition which those whose first language is not English might find easier to read. Eine Einführung in

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Metadata Management Strategies For Digital Asset Management Whitepaper

DAM News contributing editor, Ralph Windsor, has written a whitepaper: Metadata Management Strategies For Digital Asset Management.  The reports discusses a three-way strategy for improving the quality of metadata applied to assets in DAM systems:

  • Simplify the process of entering metadata
  • Educate users about how to catalogue assets properly
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