Feature Article: The DAM Team By Annella Mendoza

DAM consultant and librarian Annella Mendoza has kindly provided a DAM News feature article entitled ‘The DAM Team‘, an excellent piece that adds to our growing number of resources examining the personnel involved in setting up and running a DAM initiative.  This detailed and in-depth piece uses clear and concise concepts and language to provide an easy to follow roadmap that takes us from the DAM Team selection process through the various stages of a DAM deployment and its initial launch, to the management and maintenance of day-to-day operation.

The DAM Team is a microcosm of the community for whom the DAM is to be deployed.  The Team works collaboratively and strategically.  Teamwork is characterized by interdependence.  The Team is  expected to initiate governance and direct change management.”  [Read More]

Annella continues, on the importance of a dedicated launch for the purposes of advocacy, showcasing and user adoption:

It will be advantageous that the launch date be marked as a high profile event.  It would present the DAM’s salient features, and more importantly, the changes to the way they, the users, will be doing their work, going forward.  The Team, in turn, would be ready to provide training or coaching as part of the change management measures.

Within a short time after the launch, the Team should be measuring user adoption.  This can be done by utilizing information from the DAM analytics as well as informal or anecdotal feedback from users.”  [Read More]

Annella also considers the concept of ‘DAM Maturity’, and via the use of three typical user scenarios, explores what the triggers and options are when your organisation’s DAM needs to shift up a gear and transition from DAM 1.0 to 2.0 (i.e. from a local workgroup model to more complex and integrated enterprise set up).

With fully cited references, this condensed yet comprehensive practical guide is a must-read for those involved with DAM at any stage of its development, strategy or lifecycle.

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