Feature Article: Navigating AI and Legal Issues in Digital Asset Management

As part of our series on AI and legal issues within DAM, President of Digital Asset Management solutions provider CyanGate, Bulent Dogan, has kindly contributed an article taking a look at the opportunities and challenges of integrating artificial intelligence features into your DAM system and associated workflows.  Bulent identifies …

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Featured Job – Manager, Digital Asset Management, Canadian Tire – 15th December 2023

This week’s highlighted job opportunity is for the role of Digital Asset Manager at Canadian Tire Corporation, a prominent retail company specialising in automotive, hardware, sports, and housewares.  Working out of Toronto, the ideal candidate will serve as the organisation’s digital asset management champion, and will require at least eight …

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Feature Article: How the Right Support Makes for a Successful DAM Project

Consultant and Customer Success Executive at Montala, Mel Francis, has recently contributed a feature article highlighting the importance of getting the right level of support for your DAM initiatives.  Tips and insights include nominating a DAM champion or appointing a dedicated consultant, preparing relevant questions for the vendor, performing …

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Featured Job – Digital Asset Manager, Lucid Motors – 8th December 2023

This week’s featured opportunity is for a Digital Asset Manager with American luxury electric vehicle manufacturer, Lucid Motors.  Operating out of the firm’s headquarters in Newark, the successful candidate will be responsible for curating, cataloguing and maintaining the organisation’s digital brand assets including logos, images, videos, fonts, and templates.  The …

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Call for Contributions: AI and Legal Issues with DAM

This month’s editorial theme is AI and Legal Issues with DAM.  As vendors rush to integrate features such as facial recognition, auto-tagging and generative AI into their platforms, there are a number of legal considerations that organisations should be aware of when implementing AI, including data privacy, intellectual property …

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