Digital Asset Management Workflow – The Key To Implementing Effective CXM Strategies
There have been a few more articles on DAM in CMSWire over the last week or two. One which is short, but makes a very good […]
Continue reading »There have been a few more articles on DAM in CMSWire over the last week or two. One which is short, but makes a very good […]
Continue reading »One of our featured open source DAM vendors, Southpaw Technologies, have developed a series of app that are designed to run on top of their TACTIC DAM platform. The three apps are:
CMSWire are running another series of DAM-related articles this week (and next, I believe). The focus this time around is more practical stuff about how to get more out of the technology, as opposed to the comment and opinion feature series they have run. There have been a few good …
Continue reading »This is the next in our series of articles on managing metadata cataloguing operations.
In part five, the subject was using outsourcing to assist with metadata cataloguing projects. In the final item in relation to human-based methods for efficiently organising metadata operations, I will consider outsourcing. This has …
Continue reading »Twitter followers of Ian Matzen will have seen a link to the recording of this webinar: Metadata Is The New Gold which was hosted by film industry technology trade association, The Hollywood IT Society on Wednesday (30th July). The event has speakers from NoSQL database vendors, MarkLogic (Matt Turner), Avalon …
Continue reading »The next London DAM meetup, which is organised by Michelle Jouan and Ian Matzen is being held on August 20th at 7pm. The venue is to be decided (but is likely to be somewhere in Central London). More details are here:
The last one in late June was definitely …
Continue reading »DAM Guru are hosting a webinar DAM and Digital Preservation, with Emily Kolvitz as the speaker (who appears in our list of featured resources) on September 9th 2014 at 10am Pacific Time (1pm Eastern Time, 6pm UK & Ireland, 7pm Continental Europe). The webinar will cover a variety …
Continue reading »Ian Matzen wrote an article with the title: Statement of Core Values on his Tame Your Assets blog about a month ago, but I have only just got the opportunity to read it properly and write a response. The post is timely because there are a number of DAM standards …
Continue reading »David Diamond, author of the DAM Survival Guide and marketing director of Picturepark, has contributed an article for CMSWire: Reinventing Digital Asset Management. He covers a number of the themes which we have discussed on DAM News for the past few years (and David is gracious enough to …
Continue reading »On Wednesday, Adobe launched the Creative Cloud Market. In brief, this is a stock media library that allows Creative Cloud users to access pre-built design elements like graphics etc. The source assets are provided by selected designers from Behance, a stock design market platform Adobe bought up in …
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM vendors, Daminion have upgraded their desktop app-based workgroup DAM solution of the same name. Here are some of the key new features:
DAM Guru are hosting a webinar: Essential DAM Planning for Museums on 16th July 2014 at 10am Pacific Time (6pm UK, 7pm mainland Europe). The session is lead by Susan Barrett, Instructional Designer with Arizona State University:
“Join Susan Barrett as she offers attendees a better understanding of …
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