DAM News Round-Up – 8th February 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
How Do I Clean My Dirty Data Quickly?
If you’ve ever performed a DAM migration, you’ve probably encountered the issue of so-called ‘dirty data’, or content that is disorganised, incomplete, or missing crucial metadata. In this recent article, DAM service provider Stacks provide some practical tips on creating a clean-up strategy, including generating a ‘data mine’ report to assist with visualise the current state of your data, and how exporting to a normalised CSV for modification is generally more advisable than attempting to clean everything in-situ within the DAM system itself.
5 considerations ahead of choosing your DAM software
If your organisation is in the market for a new DAM system and you’ve yet to choose your platform, this recent blog post from DAM vendor ResourceSpace highlights five considerations before making your decision. Although brief, there’s some good advice to be gleaned. To access a wealth of exclusive reports and information on selecting and buying DAM systems by some of the industry’s leading voices, including Building a Business Case for DAM and how to assemble an effective vendor selection team, why not sign up for a free DAM News subscription?
Organize Your Video Library: 5 Best practices & Tips
Digital Asset Management software provider Pics.io provide five tips for organizing your video library in this recent blog post. Guidance includes categorisation using folders, tags and keywords, the importance of updating and archiving your content, implementing a back up strategy, and being thorough when adding descriptions to video files to avoid having to preview them in full when gauging their suitability.
Ways to Identify and Dismantle Bias In Your Cataloging
DAM Manager and information professional Ian Matzen has recently published an article exploring the topic of bias within cataloguing. In this new age of social justice awareness, outmoded or flawed technological processes that may inadvertently introduce discrimination need to be addressed. Known as ‘critical cataloguing’, the article provides a number of introductory pointers to the processes involved in identifying and dismantling bias.
Panel Discussion on Metadata Auditing
The recent panel discussion ‘There’s Never a Bad Time for Great Metadata‘ is now available as a downloadable podcast from Henrik de Gyor’s Another DAM Podcast site. Covering the numerous benefits of metadata auditing, the line up includes DAM experts Abbe Wiesenthal, Erin McElrath, Henrik de Gyor, and DAM News Editor Ralph Windsor. The recording is a great starting place if you are planning to carry out some spring cleaning on your DAM system and its assets.
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