WeVideo Review
OnlineVideo,net features a review of Flash based on-line vide editor, WeVideo.net. Apart from the issues inherent in using Flash (lack of iPhone/iPad support mainly), the […]
Continue reading »OnlineVideo,net features a review of Flash based on-line vide editor, WeVideo.net. Apart from the issues inherent in using Flash (lack of iPhone/iPad support mainly), the […]
Continue reading »The W3C Media Annotations Working Group has recommended Ontology For Media Resources 1.0. The aim is to connect many media resource descriptions together and provide a core set of properties that can be to used to express them. This ontology also defines their mappings to elements from a number …
Continue reading »One of our featured Digital Asset Management vendors, Widen, have written an article where they compare different types of DAM platform delivery models. Since Widen are a SaaS vendor, the article is skewed towards SaaS and basically trashes the on-premise and open source options. For example:
Continue reading »SKOSsy is a SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation System) which generates thesauri dynamically in English and German. SKOSsy uses DBPedia which is an independent project to extract structured data from Wikipedia. It’s important to point out that SKOSsy produces ‘seed’ thesauri which still will need some clearing up using a thesaurus …
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM vendors, Vyre, have launched their ‘third module’ for their On Brand solution which relates to creative workflow. Unfortunately, Vyre’s press release is big on marketing hyperbole but short on detail. Note to DAM software marketing people: just tell us what it is, your …
Continue reading »The New York Enterprise Search Group is holding a ‘meetup’ seminar that will discuss “Video Search and the Rise of Time-coded Metadata”. Timecode or timeline metadata is one of these subject areas that offers currently untapped potential for DAM systems, so this event looks well worth attending if you either …
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM vendors, Dutch Software, have released version 2.6 of their Elvis DAM System. The key extension is their own plug-in architecture which they release as open source modules, although it should be stressed that the Elvis core itself is not an open source app. …
Continue reading »CMSWire.com features an article by Edward Smith from Extensis with the title: “Does Digital Asset Management Belong On Your Server or in the Cloud?” Despite the disclaimer about his background (Extensis being renowned as ‘on premise’ rather than a Cloud vendor), Edward presents a fairly even handed summary …
Continue reading »ECM vendor, OpenText have released a new product called ‘Tempo’ which they describe as “a fast, easy and secure document sharing solution that allows enterprise users to share and manage content in secure folders on smartphones, tablets, and PCs or laptops”. The document management solution appears to be an attempt …
Continue reading »One of our featured open source DAM vendors, Razuna, have released version 1.4.7 of their DAM system. The main addition seems to be a labelling feature:
“The concept of Labels in Razuna is very similar to, say to the way how Labels work in Gmail. Labels are …
Continue reading »Kashyap Kompella from consultants, Real Story Group has written up a summary of the Creatasphere DAM Europe conference which was held in the Hague (Netherlands) recently. Kashyap has done a great job of distilling the material from the conference into this piece and covers 10 key areas:
Research group, Forester have published a report on DAM Best Practices. The report contends that only three elements are needed for a best practice strategy:
“To better help C&C …
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