Job results for 'ROI'
Web and Media Content Manager I (Hyattsville, MD, USA)
Web and Media Content Manager I (Hyattsville, MD, USA)
Every company, no matter what industry, will use DAM differently, depending on the type of assets being managed and the workflows supporting those assets. As a result, each company measures ROI differently. This individuality does not transfer well across industries. Baseline metrics or methods would be beneficial for measuring ROI …
Continue reading »A story which has been doing the rounds recently is this post on the Google Research blog. The item describes some AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques Google have used to automatically generate image captions. There is the de rigueur line about a picture being worth a thousand words (can anyone …
Continue reading »Cloud DAM Vendor, WebDAM have recently sent us a copy of a paper they have written about how to measure DAM ROI. I must admit, I normally fear getting issued with these documents and asked for an opinion on them, perhaps only slightly less than that other tool …
Continue reading »DAM News contributing editor, Ralph Windsor, has kicked off 2014 for us with a DAM News feature article on ROI. Last year we criticised many in the DAM industry for producing flawed infographics about this subject. To offer readers an alternative, Ralph has written an educational article where he outlines …
Continue reading »This feature article was contributed by DAM News Editor, Ralph Windsor
One theme of 2013 was the number of vendors, consultants and analysts whose marketing departments fell over each other to produce ‘me too’ colourful infographics that told an engaging (but ultimately fictional) quantitative ROI story about DAM. Usually, …
Over the last few months we have been looking at the flawed nature of classic ROI calculations as applied to DAM and how these nearly always contain misconceptions embedded within the calculations which can invalidate the conclusions of any study. A few people have contacted me about these articles and …
Continue reading »G.David Dodd has written a guest post on the ADAM blog where he follows up some of the observations I have made about ROI. The analysis piece covers the wider discussion area of marketing technology investments in general, not just DAM. His article handles the ROI subject more skilfully …
Continue reading »We have covered DAM ROI a lot recently and the dubious methods proposed by some to prove it using flawed mathematical models. Jeff Lawrence at consultants, Celerity has written an item on this subject:
“Don’t make the mistake of using reduced work hours as a cost-saving justification. For …
Continue reading »Last month, I wrote an article for CMSWire: Real World Digital Asset Management ROI where I looked at some of the popular methods you see used for ‘proving’ ROI in a quantitative fashion. The summary was that when consultants, analysts and vendors offer hard ROI numbers to support a pre-implementation …
Continue reading »DAM News contributing editor, Ralph Windsor, has written another special feature exclusively for us. This piece is called: DAM Vital Signs – Performance Review Techniques To Enhance ROI. The article examines several different methods for auditing DAM systems and combining that data with user feedback to meet the wider …
Continue reading »This special feature has been written by DAM News contributing editor, Ralph Windsor.
This article is about yielding more ROI from your DAM system by reviewing how it is being used, identifying and examining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The objective is to gain insights so you can make better …
Continue reading »Matthew Gonnering of one of the DAM News featured vendors, Widen, has written an article for the iMedia Connection blog on how DAM systems should embrace social media collaboration tools:
“Clearly, the social collaboration model aligns well with the needs of DAM users and creative teams. The …
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