DAM Weekly Round-Up – 27th August 2018

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.

Attributes of Effective DAM Consultants

My co-contributor Ralph Windsor has recently published part one of his series on what makes an effective DAM consultant.  In this article, Ralph examines what he considers to be the foremost attribute: experience.  He breaks down the various aspects of what constitutes DAM experience, including how it’s gained, how to recognise it, and the specific range of skills to focus on when training, hiring or providing DAM expertise within a consultancy-based role.

Indexing, The Often Underestimated Field of Marketing Resource Management

Do-it-all Content Management outfit Wedia have published an article examining the subject of media indexing and its common challenges and pitfalls.  It discusses (from a fairly neutral and objective stance) the problem of over-indexing, the current shortcomings of integrating artificial intelligence, and the importance of data preparation and valid metadata when using AI solutions.  The article also highlights the importance of staff that are trained to configure and use indexing technologies to leverage their full potential.

2 Important Consideration when Selecting a DAM in Australia

DAM solutions provider MediaValet present a couple of considerations when setting up a DAM system down under.  The first issue they raise is one of so-called ‘data residency’, which refers to the physical and geographical location of an organisation’s data, whether it be a government silo or sensitive medical information.  For Australia, aside from national security related information (i.e. military secrets), it appears that only health records are currently bound by data sovereignty guidelines.  The second issue they highlight is one of connectivity and user experience from remote locations, so it’s less Antipodean-specific and relates to connectivity issues anywhere off the beaten track.

Storing Video Files: Metadata and Other Helpful Information

DAM solutions provider Widen have posted an article summarising the metadata fields, and more importantly, what to put in them, when working with video assets.  Whether or not the information they provide is tailored specifically for their platform is unclear (I suspect it is), but it’s nonetheless a solid enough starting template for any searchable repository that supports video files.

Data Lineage – 3 Crucial Elements to Understand

An easy-to-digest entrée from DAM provider Canto, this article deals with data lineage, which they aptly describe as “personified, is information’s biological clock”.  With the emergence of blockchain and the concept of distributed ledgers and immutable transactions, a granular history of the birth, lifecycle and usage of an asset acts as its ‘digital provenance’, and much like the auction room receipts for an old Dutch master, a concise audit trail for a digital asset can only increase its intrinsic value.  As the title suggests, Canto’s article stems out into three main areas: the benefits of data lineage; the use of visuals to track and apply data lineage; and the role of metadata management within data lineage.

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