Search Results for: ROI

DAM Vendor Selection – Time For A Change?

DAM consultants, Daydream, have written a blog post where they consider the role of Digital Asset Management selection consultancies and offer some advice to purchasing managers.  They consider 5 areas where vendor selection consultants can potentially arrive at decisions that are not necessarily to the benefit of their clients:

  • Charging
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Another Eight Steps To DAM Success: Time For End Users To Re-Consider How They Procure DAM Software?

Eight seems to be a popular number with DAM consultants right now, one of our featured DAM vendors, Vyre have released a two-part article on “Eight Steps to a Successful DAM/MRM Project”:

Any successful project must begin with finding a supplier and solution that can elegantly solve your problem.  

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Costing And Planning DAM Projects

DAM consultants, Daydream, have released a whitepaper aimed at project managers which summarises the key costs and deliverables for DAM projects:  The report is entitled: “The 8 Steps To DAM Success: A Manager’s Guide To Planning & Costing Digital Asset Management Projects”:

  • Choosing DAM Software
  • Defining the technical Infrastructure.
  • System
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Department Of State 2011 SharePoint Conference, Washington DC, May 16, 2011

The Department of State 2011 SharePoint Conference: “Share the Power!” starts on Monday (16th May) in Washington DC (USA).  The conference has 30 speakers and the keynote from Dux Raymond will cover:

  • Gaining buy-in for SharePoint projects from senior managers
  • Identifying and prioritizing SharePoint business benefits (ROI)
  • SharePoint planning and
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