Elvis 2.1 Released
One of our featured DAM vendors, dutchsoftware.com have released a new edition of their DAM solution, Elvis. The updates includes: Metadata based permissions Required metadata […]
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM vendors, dutchsoftware.com have released a new edition of their DAM solution, Elvis. The updates includes: Metadata based permissions Required metadata […]
Continue reading »Last month, George Crump from Storage Switzerland, writing in the Information Week blog discussed the benefits of a strategy of retaining data permanently (as opposed to removing it when it ceases to have known utility for the business). The points raised are of particular significance to DAM solutions and …
Continue reading »Fran Alexander, writing on VocabContro.com, summarises several key sessions from the recent Henry Stewart DAM conference in London last month. The sessions discussed include:
MailPrint have released a short interview with Richard Kort, Marketing Director of Redemption Plus who describes some of the processes involved in Variable Data Printing (variously also referred to as “Web2Print”, “Print On Demand” etc). Essentially this is the process of producing personalised collateral using template assets and database. A …
Continue reading »In this article, David Hobbs, author of the Web Site Migration Handbook writes about how development teams are often keen to use the excuse that a full requirements analysis has not been conducted to enable them to work out the level of effort involved.
Since effort = time = …
Continue reading »In this article by Peggy Dau writing on the Mad Perspectives blog, Peggy discusses how DAM system can help maintain brand consistency when enterprises re-purpose their content for social media distribution:
“DAM systems can help companies manage these assets. Any Digital Asset Management solution provides the ability to …
Continue reading »Tony Byrne of CMSWatch.com has written an article with several useful tips for getting the right vendors to pitch for RFPs. Many of the points are generically applicable to most enterprise software projects (including DAM). The central theme of the piece is that the number of vendors responding to RFPs …
Continue reading »Web Experience Management vendor, Fatwire, yesterday announced they had selected EMC’s DAM offering: EMC Documentum Media WorkSpace as their DAM platform of choice:
“FatWire offers Media WorkSpace, EMC Documentum Digital Asset Manager and EMC Documentum Content Transformation Services as FatWire’s comprehensive solution for Digital Asset Management. FatWire selected …
Continue reading »Earley Associates are offering a series of half day briefings on the role of taxonomy and metadata in enterprise information management initiatives. During the briefings, attendees will learn:
In this article in the June/July issue of StreamingMedia.com, Michael Baumann discusses the increasing significance of Video Digital Asset Management and has obtained a number of quotes from industry insiders and solution vendors which suggest there is an on-going exponential growth in Video DAM. Also of note is the …
Continue reading »The Up! 2010 Conference, is being held virtually from November 15-19th 2010. The event promises:
“UP 2010™ is developed to promote collaborative analysis of the latest trending isses and challenges in the world of cloud computing and ICT, looking at core process and strategies in the rapidly shifting …
Continue reading »Microsoft SharePoint VAR, Creative SharePoint (CSP) have announced a seminar where they will demonstrate how SharePoint 2010 can be used for sophisticated ECM. The event takes place at Microsoft’s London office in Victoria on 21st July and runs from 9.30am – 12.30pm.
The key topics to be presented include: