DAM Vendor Selection – Time For A Change?

DAM consultants, Daydream, have written a blog post where they consider the role of Digital Asset Management selection consultancies and offer some advice to purchasing managers.  They consider 5 areas where vendor selection consultants can potentially arrive at decisions that are not necessarily to the benefit of their clients:

  • Charging
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Chrome Beta Includes C/C++ Engine: The Impending Transformation Of Web Digital Asset Management Systems?

This Google blog article discusses the inclusion in their Chrome browser of a C/C++ engine using the same ‘sandbox’ security techniques as JavaScript.  The feature is called “NativeClient” and uses Google’s ‘Pepper’ API to allow interaction between the C/C++ and HTML5:

First, we’re pleased to announce the integration of

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Amazon Announce Server-Side S3 REST Encryption: The Building Blocks Of Commodity DAM Systems?

On Tuesday, Amazon, announced they were releasing a “Server Side Encryption” module for users of their S3 storage facility.  For less technical users, this means they created a method for software developers to encrypt or ‘scramble’ data when it gets stored on their Cloud servers so unauthorised users (aka ‘hackers’) …

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Alfresco 4 Released

Open Source Content Management (but never to be described as “DAM”) vendor, Alfresco have released version 4 of their ‘open platform for social content management’ yesterday.  The stand-out features include:

  • High performance indexing
  • Integrated workflow
  • Enhanced clustering
  • Social media integration allows publishing to: YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr and SlideShare
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“Disaster Porn”: Infrastructure & Hosting Nightmares That Could Be Coming To A DAM System Near You?

The ‘Uptime’ section of Arstechnica.com features an article that reports from OmniTI Surge Conference (held last week) where some of the greatest IT failures were discussed.  The keynote features Ben Fried, CIO of Google who describes a previous position he held at Morgan Stanley where a critical application failed, costing …

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