DAM News Round-Up – 6th November 2023

A selection of DAM-related articles from around the web, hand-picked by the DAM News editorial team.
DAM vs CMS: 4 major differences
If you’ve ever wondered what the differences are between Digital Asset Management and Content Management, this recent article from DAM vendor Wedia could help to shed some light on the topic. The post is split into four key comparisons: primary functionality, asset types supported, workflow and collaboration, and distribution. A useful primer for anyone tasked with implementing a DAM system seeking further clarification on the key features of each type of platform.
Why DAM Implementations Fail and How to Plan for a Successful DAM Project
This detailed article from Valerio Falcolini, Creative Director at DAM solutions provider Tenovos, takes a look at the numerous pitfalls and challenges of setting up DAM systems and common reasons for their failure. Based on a recent webinar co-hosted by three industry professionals, the article focuses on an ‘Implementation Readiness Framework’ that consists of four milestones offering best practice insights: DAM Vision and Business Case, Metadata, Security and Workflow, Integration and Automation, and DAM Program and Roadmap.
Videos can be opted out from AI indexing using IPTC Video Metadata Hub version 1.5
Hot on the heels of the IPTC’s recent announcement that their metadata standards now includes the ability for images to be excluded from generative AI data, this follow-up article explains how the same capability has now been extended to include video metadata. The ‘Data Mining’ property has been added to the IPTC Video Metadata Hub version 1.5, and uses the same XMP identifier as its photo-based counterpart. The property is available in ExifTool version 12.67 and above. A discussion group is also available for those wishing to comment or contribute.
Taxonomies for learning and training content
Author and Taxonomist Heather Hedden explores the use of taxonomies within training content, for example, instructional courses for corporate employees. Heather highlights the role of faceted taxonomies, and how they can be employed to differentiate between similar resources by defining such as aspects as target audience, skill level, role and content type. The article also examines the challenges of building a skills taxonomy facet, and how having varied sources and different skills depending upon the role in question requires careful consideration (the ESCO taxonomy alone contains 13,890 skills!)
This engaging article from taxonomy, ontology and knowledge graph specialist Madi Weland Solomon poses a few rhetorical questions concerning the impact of AI on DAM and data management. Madi introduces a number of concepts in the field of data and metadata, including the application of neural networks, mental models, and frames, and how they are instrumental in helping us to concentrate our thinking and make intuitive decisions that are currently beyond the capability of machine-based technologies.
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