DAM News Round-Up – 6th June 2022

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web.
Has Data Protection Legislation Rendered Facial Recognition Technology Practically Unusable for DAM?
DAM News Editor Ralph Windsor introduces a new feature article from Martin Wilson, Founder of Dash and Asset Bank DAM platforms. Martin’s article examines the topic of facial recognition within DAM, and how, although proven to be one of the more successful applications of AI within DAM, privacy and data protection legislation have effectively rendered it unusable from a practical perspective. In this detailed and informative piece, Martin discusses how many geographical regions classify facial identifiers (a unique set of data for each recognised face) as biometric data, and thus require consent from the user before it can be generated and stored. Martin concludes by inviting DAM vendors to start a conversation with him about using facial recognition technology and the legal issues surrounding it.
Author and Taxonomist Heather Hedden discusses the general lack of community groups within the fields of taxonomy and information architecture, and how the diversity of the disciplines they span have so far created a somewhat disparate and sporadic presence on the internet in terms of discussion groups and community forums. Heather takes the opportunity to present a new community – Taxonomy Talk – a joint initiative between herself, Grace Lau, and fellow taxonomist Bob Kasenchek. The new group uses the Discord platform, is free to join, and already has over 300 members engaging across numerous channels including learning resources, events, jobs, tools, standards, best-practice, and networking opportunities.
FotoWare acquires Swiss Digital Asset Management provider Picturepark
Norwegian DAM software vendor FotoWare have recently announced their acquisition of Digital Asset Management platform Picturepark. According to Jostein Vik, Partner at Viking Venture (the investors who own Fotoware) this recent addition “marks the first acquisition of another vendor in the Digital Asset Management space…further strengthening FotoWare’s position in th4 DACH region“. This suggests Picturepark’s primary appeal may be due to it having more customers in these countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). An article about the recent trend of venture-funded DAM vendors acquiring competitors with specific regional customer bases is in-progress by my DAM News co-contributor, Ralph Windsor.
NFTs and the Metaverse Are So Meta
John Horodyski takes a look at the changing nature of metadata in this recent CMSWire article. John focuses on the crucial role of metadata in bringing about order and awareness in light of the imminent explosion of content destined for the metaverse – although the exact nature of Web 3.0 is still emerging, it’s inevitable that our content will still need to be identified, organised, and more importantly, discovered. John also discusses NFTs and the blockchain, and how metadata is set to be a key component in verifying ownership of digital files and providing additional value in the virtual world of the metaverse.
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