DAM News Round-Up – 6th April 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
A Digital Asset Manager’s Roles & Responsibilities
Digital Asset Management software provider MediaValet investigate the role of the DAM Manager in this recent blog post. Covering a list of common duties and responsibilities, the article explores the skills required, the typical routes to becoming a Digital Asset Manager, and the benefits that a suitably qualified and experienced individual can bring to your organisation. For further information and articles relating to DAM personnel, you can browse the DAM Skills category here on DAM News.
Brand and marketing software vendor Pica9 cover the basics of brand consistency, and how the best of intentions can rapidly fall by the wayside when an organisation’s brand guidelines aren’t adopted as intended or fail to break through and become part of your users’ working methods. Pica9 call this the ‘blood-brain barrier’ that exists between brand professionals and the rest of your staff. This detailed article continues by listing a number of the tell-tale signs of an inconsistent brand ethos, and provides some actionable tips to get you and your brand back on track.
Learning the Difference between Brand Equity vs. Brand Value
Continuing with the theme of branding, a recent article from DAM solutions provider Pics.io aims to clarify the difference between two common terms: brand equity and brand value. Although seemingly similar, the differences are fairly substantial. Brand equity essentially describes the intangible aspects of your brand and how it’s perceived by your customers (visibility, sentiment, loyalty etc.), whereas brand value is the financial worth of a brand, calculated by market share and the inherent value of its associated assets. The article provides a fairly detailed run down of each, along with numerous tips and case studies to help organisations identify and improve both brand equity and value.
Infographic: The most popular asset formats you can find within a DAM
If your organisation has yet to roll-out a DAM initiative and you’re unsure of the type of files and formats that such a system commonly accommodates, this recent article from DAM software vendor Wedia should prove informative. Using a clear and simple infographic, the most popular digital asset formats are presented, along with a brief description of each, and how a DAM is specifically suited to managing them.
Brand Assets and How to Get the Most Out of Them
Yet another article on branding has been published in the last week, this time from DAM software vendor Widen, which focuses on defining the actual brand assets themselves and the importance of maintaining consistency across your organisation and its marketing channels. Topics cover approval, versioning, asset reuse, guidelines, and the use of content analytics to identify metrics such as geographic markets and demographics, both of which can help you leverage and customise your brand’s impact on a case-per-case basis.
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