DAM News Round-Up – 28th May 2024

A selection of DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced by the DAM News editorial team.
Three DAM System Opt-Outs and Why They Don’t Make Sense
DAM software provider LightRocket takes a look at three common justifications for not having a DAM system. The first is using cloud storage platforms such as Google or Dropbox, which have numerous shortcomings, not least poor search functionality and metadata support. The second reason is the (often ill-conceived) decision to build a bespoke DAM system in-house – a huge undertaking fraught with technical challenges that are best handled by third-party professionals. The third approach is to modify a CMS platform such as WordPress to manage your digital assets. If you hadn’t already guessed, the moral of the story here is that there’s really no substitute for a dedicated DAM platform.
This recent post from author and taxonomist Heather Hedden provides a characteristically detailed breakdown of the costs, effort and processes involved in tagging content with a newly developed taxonomy. Heather explains the benefits of having taxonomy-based tags which includes search efficiency and accuracy, greater confidence in the ‘completeness’ of results, and a better user experience. The article also explores the associated challenges with regards to allocating resources, establishing and implementing quality control standards, and tagging large amounts of previously untagged legacy content.
How to identify the “Best” Digital Asset Management (DAM) Software
Considering the complexities of DAM, the idea that there is such as thing as the ‘best’ DAM platform is a somewhat vague and unachievable notion. This recent post from Digital Asset Management vendor OrangeLogic provides some basic pointers for deciding which DAM system might be best for a particular set of measurable circumstances and criteria. Tips cover what basic features to look for, media management capabilities, workflow, automation and productivity, metadata management options, rights management features, user permissions and access control, and how future-proof the potential solutions are. For a comprehensive guide to buying DAM systems and exclusive in-depth analysis and feedback for 16 popular vendors, check out the DAM News Industry Report and Buyer’s Guide.
AI-Enhanced Content Tagging and Its Role in Organizing Digital Assets
DAM software provider Pics.io offers some insights on how emerging AI features can assist in keeping on top of managing and organising an ever-increasing volume of digital assets. The article highlights a number of shortcomings associated with the traditional approach of manually tagging and cataloguing assets, along with a breakdown of the benefits of adopting AI-enhanced methods including improved discoverability, accessibility, translation, and asset recommendations
Business services behemoth Deloitte have recently announced the launch of a new GenAI-powered omnichannel marketing content tool. The rather tritely named CreativEdgeTM will allow marketers to leverage generative AI to create multi-lingual, brand-compliant campaigns for a range of cross-media destinations including digital display, email, video and social media. Little is mentioned about the data used to train the associated AI models, but Deloitte have certainly been watching, analysing, investing and actively consulting in the AI scene for some time now, and according to their Trustworthy AITM framework, we can expect it to be inline with their own governance guidelines.
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