DAM News Round-Up – 20th June 2022

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web.
Adobe releases open source toolkit to counter visual misinformation
In an attempt to stem the flow of visual misinformation, software giant Adobe are pushing out an open source toolkit that allows developers to embed provenance data within their content, which in tandem with a JavaScript SDK will allow content credentials to be displayed in the browser. A command-line utility to create desktop and mobile apps that are capable of creating, verifying, viewing and embedding content credentials will also be included. The overarching project, known as the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI), was first announced by Adobe in 2019, and uses an underlying standard known as C2PA. The emergence of AI-based media creation platforms such as DALL-E and Bria are set to change the genesis and nature of digital assets, and Adobe have reported a “surprising amount of inbound interest from companies producing synthetic images and videos”.
Dealing With AI Biases, Part 2: Inherited Biases From Data
Artificial Intelligence strategist Michael Wu continues his two-part series on AI biases. In the first part, Michael discussed the issues within training algorithms and how acknowledgement of the problem is often the first step in solving it. In this second episode, Michael explores the bias that can often be inherited from the data itself, and how some types of bias can actually be beneficial to the training process. A concise and informative article to help you understand how, when and where bias can be introduced into AI systems.
The tangled truth about NFTs and copyright
This detailed article from The Verge exposes a number of fundamental copyright issues surrounding web3 blockchain-based projects, and more specifically NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Citing numerous examples, ranging from legal wrangles over the film rights to Pulp Fiction and Dune, to more grisly examples of a father creating an NFT of his daughter’s murder in an attempt to have it removed from social media platforms, the article highlights how this new wave of ownership and copyright, particularly in the case of NFTs, is far more complex and fuzzy than it initially appears.
Digital Asset Management software provider FotoWare take a look at how DAM can be used in the healthcare sector. Highlighting the shortcomings of traditional methods of archiving and linking medical images to patient records, such as poor security and distribution, the article goes on to explain how a DAM system can be extended to support more confidential workflows, and integration with other medical institutions and mobile healthcare apps.
Google Drive Digital Asset Management Solution
DAM vendor Pics.io provide a breakdown of the benefits and disadvantages of popular cloud-storage solution Google Drive, and compare its features to those of a more mature DAM system. Benefits include stability, reliability, cost, and off-the-shelf integration with other Google products such as Gmail, Docs and Slides, whereas disadvantages include poor findability, limited user management and permissions, and very little in the way of version control.
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