DAM News Round-Up – 1st June 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
Panel Discussion about DAM Onboarding
Henrik de Gyor has made a recent panel interview discussing DAM onboarding available over at Another DAM Podcast. Panellists include Abbe Wiesenthal, Matt Dean, Spencer J. Harris, with Frank DeCarlo as the moderator. In addition to the recording, a video of the webinar is also available.
Spring Cleaning: How to declutter your marketing DAM solution
Digital Asset Management software provider Wedia have recently published an article discussing the benefits of spring cleaning your DAM initiative. Tips include archiving unused assets, streamlining your workflows, aligning your taxonomy, tags and metadata with external systems such as PIM (product information management), and reviewing security rights, licensing and user authorisations.
How To Build a Digital Asset Management Business Case
We’ve investigated building a business case for DAM here on DAM News a number of times in the past. This recent article from DAM software vendor Brandfolder presents five points to consider when presenting your case to executives and stakeholders. Covering research and preparation, feedback from users concerning current issues, how DAM can solve such issues, implementation strategies, and ROI projections, the article represents a good starting point for those tasked with building a convincing case for a new or updated DAM initiative.
Video Asset Management: Definition, Benefits & More
With some compelling statistics regarding the effectiveness of video content and marketing, DAM vendor MediaValet have published an introduction to cloud-based video asset management, along with its top five benefits for content creators and marketers. From having a single centralised location for all your assets (the so-called single source of truth), to improved discoverability, sharing tools, and automated transcription, the article also highlights the key industries – such as sports and tourism – where a DAM system plays a crucial role in leveraging the most value from your organisation’s video content.
10 Reasons You Should Be Sharing Your Brand Assets
DAM software provider Filecamp explore the importance of adopting brand guidelines and how sharing brand assets can strengthen both internal and external relationships with your organisation, its users, stakeholders, and customers. This concise and fairly detailed article also provides a number of case studies demonstrating how various organisations use a strong brand identity to communicate and reinforce their values. A description of a ‘brand story’ is also provided, along with a list of ten reasons how sharing your brand can have a positive impact on customer loyalty, consumer trust, increased sales, and the overall value of your company.
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