DAM News Round-Up – 1st February 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
How Good Governance Unlocks the Potential of DAM
DAM solutions provider Stacks have recently published an article exploring the benefits of having well-defined standards such as folder structures, vocabularies, and metadata taxonomies. With a basic explanation of governance, and how it applies to a DAM system, the article represents a good starting point if your organisation’s content discipline has slipped and you need to introduce or reinforce some standards in your digital asset management protocols.
Beginning of an Administration– a Merlin DAM Story from The White House
As the DAM provider of choice for the US presidential administration, Merlin invite us into the inner workings of documenting the visual history of the White House and its occupants. This recent blog post takes us behind the scenes as a new build of Merlin’s DAM system is rolled out, along with the unforeseen challenges after the Capitol’s recent siege took place. There’s little to do with DAM in this article, but it’s an intriguing glimpse into a ‘day in the life’ of a DAM administrator in extraordinary circumstances.
ResourceSpace is open source – but what does that mean?
Unlike many offerings on the market, DAM software platform ResourceSpace is completely open source. In this recent article, the benefits of open source software are explored, including no vendor lock-in, the ability to customise the software at will, and the large support community that often accompanies non-proprietary software. If you’ve yet to choose your DAM system, an open source solution warrants serious consideration, not least due to its flexibility and lower cost of implementation.
The 3 biggest obstacles for a DAM project: Extensive asset maintenance – Part 3
Digital Asset Management software provider Celum conclude their series on the three biggest obstacles for a DAM project by taking a look at the ongoing day-to-day maintenance tasks involved in running a successful DAM system. Such routine tasks include the tagging and categorisation of assets, metadata maintenance, and so-called ‘gatekeeper’ tasks that ensure the system is being accessed and utilised properly by its users. Other roadblocks including missing or substandard integrations, change management neglect, and inefficient tagging procedures are also covered.
Integrating Blockchain with Digital Asset Management
With the meteoric – and often erratic – rise of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology over the last few years, DAM vendor Aprimo investigate the potential marriage of blockchain and Digital Asset Management. In theory, the two technologies are well matched, with DAM systems often having to cope with numerous versions of assets, and its very nature as a ‘single source of truth’ being suited to DTL (Distributed Ledger Technology) type systems. The article takes a look at the possible integrations across rights management, file storage, and general workflow operations, and how the blockchain might be implemented as part of wider DAM strategy.
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