The Politics Of Implementing Digital Asset Supply Chains: Parking The Enterprise Service Bus

I am currently involved in writing requirements analysis and specifications for several Digital Asset Supply Chain (DASC) projects.  There are some interesting themes I have observed recently in-relation to the politics of managing their implementation which might be instructive for others planning similar initiatives.

Before I get into the detail …

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Blockchain And The Future Of Content DAM: Planned Industry Blockchain Consortium

Last month, Jean Lozano of Cloud DAM vendor, MediaValet wrote an article on their blog, Cryptomedia: Blockchain in the Digital Asset Management Space.  The piece is quite interesting since it isn’t about the currently deflating tradable Crypto-as-a-security (or perhaps ‘CraaS’?) bubble and neither does it write the whole thing …

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Kodak Launch Crypto-Digital Asset Token And Blockchain For Photographers

Earlier this week, Kodak announced they were going to launch a crypto digital asset token called Kodakcoin:

Utilizing blockchain technology, the KODAKOne platform will create an encrypted, digital ledger of rights ownership for photographers to register both new and archive work that they can then license within the

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Understanding The AI ‘80% Problem’ And Deciding Between Artificial Or Augmented Intelligence

Recently, CMSWire published an article I wrote for them: What it Will Take for Artificial Intelligence to Become Useful For DAM.  This was an abridged edition of a longer feature article for DAM News: Combining AI With Digital Asset Supply Chain Management Techniques.  The responses I have received …

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Blockchains For Content DAM: From Myth To Reality

On our features section, I have written article: Blockchain And Content DAM: Myth, Reality And Practical Applications.

Recently, I have read a few articles which make some critical remarks about blockchain for DAM.  There are some reasonable points advanced, however, there are also misunderstandings and myths about what

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Insight Exchange Network (IEN) Digital Assets & Content Leadership Exchange​ – New York, January 22-24

Representatives from Insight Exchange Network (IEN) contacted me recently to ask us to inform DAM News readers that they are holding a DAM-related conference early next year on January 22-24 in New York entitled: Digital Assets and Content Leadership Exchange.  From the publicity materials:

As content velocity increases

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