Daminion 1.0 Released
One of our featured DAM Vendors, Russia-based Daminion, have released version 1.0 of their flagship workgroup DAM. The main new features are: User roles Auto-sync […]
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM Vendors, Russia-based Daminion, have released version 1.0 of their flagship workgroup DAM. The main new features are: User roles Auto-sync […]
Continue reading »Back in March this year, I wrote an article for DAM News: An Introduction To DAM Findability Techniques. Ilka Martin of Xenario GmbH has kindly provided us with a translated German language edition which those whose first language is not English might find easier to read. Eine Einführung in …
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM vendors, Nuxeo have released a major update to their open source platform. The update includes:
They have released this …
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM vendors, celum, have released a new version of their DAM system, IMAGINE. This release, 2013.3 includes the following updates:
One of our featured DAM vendors, Extensis, announced yesterday that they have integrated their Portfolio Server DAM system with Swiss based Collection Management System (CMS) vendor, zetcom. This quote from Amanda Paull, VP of Marketing at Extensis seems to be a fair summary:
“Collections Management Systems …
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM vendors, Brandworkz, have contributed a special feature article for DAM News: How To Encourage All Your Employees To Use Your Digital Asset Management System. Brandworkz, as their name might suggest, are more oriented towards the Brand Management side of DAM (or Brand …
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM Vendors, Widen, have released version 6.4 of their Media Collective DAM solution. The new features are:
One of our featured DAM Vendors, Brandworkz have upgraded their Digital Asset Management system of the same name to 5.1.2. The key new features include:
We have covered DAM ROI a lot recently and the dubious methods proposed by some to prove it using flawed mathematical models. Jeff Lawrence at consultants, Celerity has written an item on this subject:
“Don’t make the mistake of using reduced work hours as a cost-saving justification. For …
Continue reading »Loraine Lawson, on IT Business Edge, wrote an article last month: Five Reasons Why Cloud Integration Is So Gosh-Darn Hard. She references another article: The Cloud Experience Drives New Data Management Directions by Julie Hunt. Julie’s article discusses the various reasons why users of Cloud or SaaS products …
Continue reading »In addition to our own whitepapers which we featured earlier this week, there have been a few others published. In the interests of balance, we’ll cover two from different vendors: Picturepark and Extensis.
The Picturepark “Enterprise DAM Checklist” is fairly comprehensive and covers a lot of ground, including:
DAM News contributing editor, Ralph Windsor, has written a whitepaper: Metadata Management Strategies For Digital Asset Management. The reports discusses a three-way strategy for improving the quality of metadata applied to assets in DAM systems: