Feature Article: Appreciating The Value Of Digital Assets

To get proceedings started off for 2016 on DAM News in terms of comment and analysis, I have written an article for our features section: Appreciating The Value Of Digital Assets: Understanding The Potential Of DAM In 2016.  The item describes the current state of the DAM market (which I don’t believe is as favourable as it is often presented, as regular readers will probably be aware) but it also goes on to discuss a number of key concepts which could resume innovation in DAM and raise interest in the value of digital assets as a result.  In writing this, I am drawing on a few different themes that were touched on last year, but also looking outside the understanding of the term ‘digital assets’ as it is usually applied:

Stating that DAM innovation is now ‘dead’ (to paraphrase a quote I discussed early last year) is, itself, a bit ‘2015’ now and a reasonable question I have been asked by some is what changes I would propose to bring it back to life again. The rest of this article should address that and also offer a preview of the DAM News editorial focus as we move further into 2016. The subject matter is deliberately more business and economics-oriented than some of the technology or information architecture pieces that we usually feature. The reason for this is because that is the context into which decisions about the role of both DAM solutions and digital assets will get made by enterprises. If there is not a compelling business case for DAM then the market will become sidelined and eventually disappear. As such, I believe this is a legitimate form of analysis and one that does not often get the consideration it deserves.” [Read More]

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