Optimising Marketing Supply Chains By Removing Obsolete Collateral

One of our featured DAM vendors, MailPrint have written an article about optimising marketing supply chains and getting more from marketing budgets by removing obsolete collateral that remains in circulation long after it shouldn’t be.  The basis for the post is a report by the CMO Council: Mapping + Tracking: The Optimized Marketing Supply Chain.

MailPrint identify 4 opportunities to  remove obsolete marcomms:

  • Leverage Digital Printing Strategies
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration
  • Go-Green to Gain-Green
  • Start With a Self-Assessment

As marketers seek to provide the most timely and fresh content to customers and prospects, old, over-ordered or un-utilized marketing and sales materials tend to be stored, destroyed or ignored, left to occupy costly space in offices and warehouses. As the CMO Council discovered, high levels of waste can generally be attributed to limited access to material usage information, a lack of visibility into the process used to create the materials, and a general lack of forecasting and managing current and future material usage. All of these factors are creating an epidemic of waste that can be summed up most accurately as obsolescence.”  [Read More]

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