David Tenenbaum Interview
This week we interview David Tenenbaum, CEO and owner of DAM vendors, MerlinOne. David’s thoughts on what the most important thing to understand about DAM resonated with me, in particular:
“Your DAM is a key component in enabling great storytelling at your organization: if you cannot easily find and put to use great photos, videos, graphics or other objects, your cannot communicate to the world effectively!” [Read More]
As readers of our DAM News Round-Up will be aware, MerlinOne recently introduced a new AI visual search feature called ‘NOMAD’ (No MetAData). Some of the points raised in David’s interview touch upon these developments. I am currently reviewing a demo edition of their system that incorporates some of the ideas he discusses and DAM News articles by both David and myself will be published shortly.
An index of all other DAM News interviews is also available.
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