Text Analytics Crucial To Leveraging Unstructured Social Media Data

Maria Ogneva of Attensity presents a video entitled “Making Sense Of  Unstructured Social Media” on the Attensity blog where she also makes the point that text analysis will be crucial to larger businesses that want to get to grips with their Social Media data and leverage it to gain a competitive advantage:

Social media has ushered in a new era of a more democratic publishing process, which has been great for us as individuals, as well as businesses. It’s great for individuals because we have an unprecedented ability to create and share — share our thoughts, passions, world views and hobbies — and by doing so connect with likeminded individuals all over the globe, regardless of nationality, geography, language or timezone. The world has become smaller, and no man is an island any longer. It’s also been great for businesses, because we now know what our customers and prospects, and we don’t even need to ask them — all we need to do is listen. Listening is not easy, however; especially due to the volume of content that’s created. The problem is further exacerbated for large consumer brands, which can have tens of thousands of people talking about them at any given minute.” [Read More]

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