Semantic Web: The Key To More Meaningful Large Scale Digital Asset Management?

In this ReadWriteWeb article, Chris Lamb discusses how relevancy has increased significantly in importance over and above the news ‘containers’ of the past (e.g. newspapers).  He considers some emerging technologies that might help people extract more meaningful content.  One point he raises is that current applications are inadequate:

The dilemma is that relevant is in the mind of the beholder. Emerging application – news readers such as Flipboard, Pulse and Feedly – are struggling to deliver relevancy. One proxy is to use a reader’s social graph to curate stories. Another is user profiles and preferences. These current approaches are doomed. With respect to social graph curation, people have different roles at during different times. On the weekend, a reader might be interested in arts, entertainment and sports news based on a friends and family. During the week, this same person may be interested in business news based on recommendations from trading partners in the capital markets. How do readers seamlessly reconcile this?” [Read More]

The issues in relation to media/news are equally applicable to Digital Asset Management technology.  Semantic techniques are likely to become more important as the volume of media stored in DAM systems increases exponentially.  As we discussed in our 2012 DAM technology predictions feature, having a single repository of content with a search feature is no longer going to be either noteworthy or adequate and before long, consultants and vendors will need to get to grips with how best to deal with the scale issues that are going to present themselves sooner or later.

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