New DAM Book – Digital Asset Management: Content Architectures, Project Management, and Creating Order out of Media Chaos

Elizabeth Keathley, of Atlanta Metadata and also DAM Foundation, has written a new DAM book: Digital Asset Management: Content Architectures, Project Management, and Creating Order out of Media Chaos.  The title covers a wide range of subjects associated with setting up DAM initiatives, including:

  • Differences between DAM, WCM and CMS
  • Identifying a need for a DAM conducting a needs assessment
  • Discuss hosting with vendors and IT staff
  • Hiring digital asset managers
  • Surveying and appraising systems for DAM integration
  • How DAM search engines work
  • Establishing metrics for your DAM, including ROI
  • Migrating collections for digital preservation
  • Rights management and brand management
  • DAM workflows and their impact on the workplace

Once we are able to obtain a copy, someone here will read through it and provide a more detailed review.  Many of the topics are ones we discuss a lot on these pages and more educational material of this nature is well overdue in our industry.  Based on Elizabeth’s other articles, it looks like the subject should be comprehensively covered and a with a good level of detail and plenty of practical advice. It hasn’t been published yet, but it is available on pre-order at Amazon and should go on sale on 17th March.

In addition to Elizabeth’s book, The DAM Survival Guide by David Diamond should also be included on your reading list and was the first book (that I am aware of) to consider the DAM subject from the perspective of an organisation implementing DAM, as opposed to photographers who need to manage their own assets.  For anyone who is more interested in that subject, Peter Krogh’s The DAM Book is the primary reference title.

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