DAM News Round-Up – 28th June 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
The latest in our series of DAM News interviews is now available. In this episode, CEO of Microstock Solutions Mark Milstein responds to a series of questions. Of particular interest is Mark’s ideas concerning the future of synthetic content and how the DAM of 2026 will challenge traditional methods of acquiring licensed content from stock image libraries by creating custom content on the fly.
Digital Asset Management vs Box: Full Guide
Digital Asset Management software vendor Pics.io continue their solutions comparison articles by pitting their DAM platform against long-running pioneering cloud storage provider Box. The fairly detailed article highlights the key benefits and disadvantages of each solution, the primary one being the difference in focus – DAM is asset-centric, whereas Box is centred around its users.
DAM software provider OrangeLogic have just published the second half of their recent interview with Meredith Reese, DAM Manager for the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Tracing her background in post production for TV and film through to achieving her Masters in Moving Image Archive Preservation (MIAS), Meredith’s responses to a well-conceived and broad range of questions provide an intriguing glimpse into the planning, operation and evolution of real-world DAM systems.
What’s the difference between creative ops and design ops anyway?
The differences between Creative Ops and Design Ops are explored in this deep-dive article from DAM software provider Bynder. The main driver for strategic changes in the way creative and design teams operate is the exponential increase in digital content and multi-channel delivery. Having to adopt and manage an increasing number of tools, workflows, people and governance means less time to spend on what we pay these skilled professionals to actually do – create and design. The article investigates the required skills and evolving scope of each role, and how automation and a shift in strategy can help support and redress the imbalance.
4 Reasons To Develop Metadata Standards
Alexandra Neudek lists four reasons to develop a metadata standards policy prior to implementing a DAM initiative. Covering improved consistency and application, user acceptance, granular documentation, and reducing corporate liability, Alexandra’s tips should prove useful for anyone tasked with information governance, metadata standards, taxonomies, or simply ensuring that your organisation’s digital assets are well organised and achieving maximum findability.
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