Why DAM Is Essential For Successful Modular Content Strategies

Ed Breault of DAM solutions provider, Aprimo, has recently contributed a feature article to DAM News on the subject of Modular Content. The item contains some valuable points, in particular why a modular-content optimised DAM solution is so important:
“Modular content is an enabler for content operations, but you also need a backbone to that entire system. You need a digital asset management (DAM) solution that is built natively to support modular content strategies. A DAM helps your teams create content blocks, content sets, and content experiences from any content type, make data-driven content decisions, and supports the building of compound content by stitching together different modules.” [Read More]
Ed covers a range of subsidiary topics around the theme of Modular Content. Of particular note was his discussion of Modular Content scalability and why this has become such an issue now. He also includes five points that are key to successful Modular Content. The last one about auditing and measuring struck a chord with me, especially in-relation to some recent consulting projects I have been involved with:
“Know the return on effort of your content to bolster ROI reporting and know whether your content was worth effort to prioritize what matters most.” [Read More]
The full article is here: https://digitalassetmanagementnews.org/features/dam-is-the-keystone-to-modular-content/
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