Color Management Strategies for DAM


Without proper color management, your blue logo turns purple in print and your perfectly designed illustration suddenly looks bad when viewed on a different platform. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid these and other color-related hassles but it’s not always easy. Further, when a DAM is in the mix, things can become even more complicated.

Oliver Häuser overviews what you need to know in order to keep color consistent across devices and distribution channels. He shows you how to set up your image workflow to work with your DAM, and describes the different file types, color ranges and publishing channels that you should consider for a best-practice scenarios that work in real life.

Oliver has been a DAM Guru Program member since March 2013. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

Webinar recorded on 30 April, 2014.

Picturepark sponsors this webinar as part of the #LearnDAM initiative to provide the DAM community with quality digital asset management educational materials that are not sales focused.

Color Management Strategies for DAM

Oliver Haeuser - Director

Oliver Häuser
CEO and Co-Founder, FHCon GmbH

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