Special feature articles unique to DAM News.

Feature Article: Streamlining the Digital Asset Supply Chain: The Power of API-first DAM and AI Automation

Matt Noyes, Senior Director of Product Marketing at Cloudinary, has kindly contributed an article as part of this month’s editorial theme: DAM and the Digital Asset Supply Chain.  Matt covers a range of topics, including the challenges of managing an ever-increasing volume of digital assets across an ever-broadening …

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Feature Article: Embracing AI for a Smarter DAM Future: The Critical Role in Strategy, Integration, and Teamwork

In his third and final piece on Metadata, DAM and AI, Mark Davey begins by focusing on the crucial role of personalisation when integrating artificial intelligence into the DAM ecosystem.  Embracing AI for a Smarter DAM Future: The Critical Role in Strategy, Integration, and Teamwork covers the development of personalised …

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Feature Article: 5 Questions about AI to a CPO: Kevin Souers, Aprimo

In this second instalment of our new interview series, visual tech expert Paul Melcher questions Aprimo‘s CPO Kevin Souers about his motivations, insights and experiences of introducing AI-powered solutions into their platform.  Kevin explains how Aprimo is fully embracing emerging AI technologies and offering numerous features including background removal …

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Feature Article: If All Roads Lead to Rome, The Path to Your DAM Shouldn’t Be a Diversion

As part of last month’s editorial topic on user adoption challenges within DAM, Andreas Michalski, CEO and Founder of CI HUB, explores how simplicity and ease of use are pivotal factors in attaining improved access and increased usage of an organisation’s DAM system.  Andreas explains how attempts at maintaining …

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Feature Article: The AI Revolution in Digital Asset Management: Promise vs. Reality

Paul Melcher, Founder of Melcher System Consulting and online visual technology magazine Kaptur, has recently contributed a feature article exploring the disparity between Artificial Intelligence hype and the level of real-world implementation within DAM systems.  Paul highlights how findings from a recent study by Santa Cruz Software suggest that …

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