Attributes of Effective DAM Consultants: Lifecycle Expertise

Continuing our feature article series on the attributes of effective DAM consultants, in the second article, I examine a consultant’s ability to work across the whole of the DAM initiative lifecycle and apply their previous experience to current DAM-related problems:

In the previous article in this series, I examined experience as an attribute of effective DAM consultants and considered this across four major areas: technical, implementation, operations and strategy. In this item, I will assess expertise across the full DAM initiative lifecycle as the next most significant attribute that DAM consultants need to have. This is closely related to experience, but is less concerned with what a consultant might or might not have done in the past and more whether they can add value in the present.” [Read More]

In writing this piece, what I hope to illustrate for prospective (and some existing) DAM consultants is that the subject is very wide ranging and broad-based.  While technical knowledge is very important, project management (especially as it applies to risk) business  skills and information architecture all have an equally important role to play.

The final article in the series will consider a range of other attributes that DAM consultants need to have; many are more people-oriented than many might initially imagine and I intend to examine that area in some depth.

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