Daydream Release Version 3.4.1 Of FocusOPEN Open Source DAM System
One of our featured DAM vendors, Daydream have released an update to their .NET open source DAM system, FocusOPEN. The stand out features for me were: […]
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM vendors, Daydream have released an update to their .NET open source DAM system, FocusOPEN. The stand out features for me were: […]
Continue reading »As described in both this article and this one by, the days of proprietary plug-ins like Flash and Silverlight look numbered. From the first article about Flash:
“Shunned by Apple’s iOS and Windows Phones, and offering a spotty experience on Android, Flash on mobile platforms has had …
Continue reading »One of our featured DAM vendors, Widen, have released a blog post: “A shared folder is no substitute for DAM software“. They pose several reasons why:
“The …
Continue reading »Peter Krogh, author of the “The DAM Book” writes on the The DAM Show blog about a steep increase in the cost of hard drives due to the flooding taking place at present in Thailand:
“Due to flooding in Thailand, we’re seeing hard drive prices rise steeply …
Continue reading »Johannes Scholtes, Chief Strategy Officer of ZyLAB has written an article entitled: “Visual Information Retrieval: the Next challenge in Information Management“. Johannes discusses the reasons why non-text based search strategies are now more important than ever with the exponential rise in image or video digital content. He …
Continue reading »The Taxonomy Blog covers a report of the Taxonomy Bootcamp which was apparently compiled from tweets rather than attending the event. In “What next, taxonomy?” the authors discuss 5 key themes and questions that were discussed at length during the conference:
Until recently, the method most DAM systems used for delivering audio assets was a SWF player that played a transcoded MP3 proxy file. That’s probably going to be the case for at least the next year (or more) but SoundCloud are aiming to hasten the demise of Flash’s role as …
Continue reading »Adobe, owner of both Day Software and Scene 7 DAM/ECM vendors announced yesterday that they had bought up Auditude, developers of a video advertising platform:
“Adobe also plans to integrate Auditude with the Adobe Digital Marketing Suite, which consists of integrated analytics and optimization products to collect and unleash …
Continue reading »Joshua Ranger writing on the AudioVisual Preservation Solutions blog discusses how “Digital Media Collections Are an IT Problem But Not an IT Solution”. The essence of Joshua’s post is that while archivists must collaborate with IT professionals to enable digital collections to be established, it is the archivists who should …
Continue reading »This was posted on the Controlled Vocabulary list that metadata expert, David Riecks manages. Matroska is a new open standard container format for multimedia files. Many readers will be aware of container formats for video, like QuickTime or AVI etc. Matroska can be used to hold metadata, including ‘time line’ …
Continue reading »Jeff Carr, writing on the Earley & Associates Blog discusses 5 commonly held misconceptions about taxonomies and SharePoint:
One of our featured DAM vendors, ADAM, have written a whitepaper “Why CIOs are increasingly interested in DAM”:
“New technologies have created a new world of marketing and have led to an increased importance of marketing activities within the enterprise. With these changes, comes new pressure on …
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