DAM News Round-Up – 7th September 2020

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
5 Ways the FotoWare App is Helpful for Police Forces
DAM solutions provider Fotoware has recently posted an article explaining how their software has been assisting police forces via its Digital Evidence System, and with the rollout of their new mobile app, officers can now upload images and videos without having to wait until they are logged into a computer. The article continues to explain a number of further benefits, including access to high-res imagery on the move, the ability to add custom metadata and markers to provide additional contextual data, and methods to share files across teams and departments.
Brand Compliance in Today’s World
The importance of providing on-demand brand guidelines is covered in this recent blog post by DAM software vendor IntelligenceBank. Their dedicated BrandHub software can help tackle the problem of multiple, outdated copies of branding material being circulated by providing a centralised portal – in other words, a DAM system. Other benefits covered include an audit trail, simple approval workflows, templating systems to modify the brand assets in-situ, and the ability to share brand content directly from the DAM, avoiding stale content being kept on marketer’s local computers.
How to choose the right Digital Asset Management vendor?
We have covered the topic of DAM vendor selection a number of times here on DAM News, from how to build a vendor selection team, through to an exclusive in-depth report on buying Enterprise DAM Systems. Digital Asset Management solutions provider Filecamp has recently published an article covering the basics of choosing a DAM vendor. Starting with a brief description of DAM, the article compares DAM with other approaches such as shared drives, email chains and cloud storage (e.g. Google Drive). SaaS and on-premise solutions are also discussed, along with key features to look for in a DAM system. With currently around 100 providers to choose from, their list of five potential vendors is possibly too short, and their guidance concerning price might be a little vague, considering the amount of legwork required to get vendors to expose their pricing. It should be noted, however that Filecamp were active participants in our 2018 DAM vendor pricing survey and one of the few vendors who opted to be fully transparent about the fees they charge.
Using Image Recognition Software to Streamline Your DAM Workflows
DAM vendor Widen have re-posted an article from 2017 extolling the virtues of Artificial Intelligence (AI), more specifically, the image recognition features within their flagship Widen Collective platform. Using out-of-the-box integration with computer vision software Clarifai, assets can either be tagged with pre-built recognition models, or alternatively, the customer can choose to train their own models to provide more specific metadata and tagging capabilities. Widen admit that AI is far from being a silver bullet and that a balance between humans and automation is still required, and the fact that their platform’s API is able to connect with several other image recognition solutions is a reassuring acknowledgement that one size doesn’t fit all.
Make the licensing information for your images visible on Google Images
Google has released an official statement concerning the visibility of licensing information when searching for images. For the last few years the search giant has been collaborating with industry bodies and content owners to make it easier to embed and highlight copyright and licensing information, enabling users to use images more responsibly and honour usage restrictions. The latest development shows a ‘Licensable’ badge for images that include licensing information, along with a link, where available, to the content owner and a means to acquire the image. Advice on how to participate for content owners and developers is also provided.
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