DAM News Round-Up – 30th November 2020

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
What’s the difference between Content Management & Digital Asset Management?
DAM software vendor ResourceSpace differentiate between Content Management Systems (CMS) and DAM in this easy to digest beginner’s guide. If you’re at the very beginning of your DAM journey, it may prove useful to mark out the differences between the two systems. There’s also a simple DAM comparison table that charts the feature set of some other competing systems, including Bynder, Canto, Third Light and Widen. Buyer’s note: be sure to get independent verification of any of the differences between these products.
Digital Asset Management Workflows You Need to Know
The subject of workflows is discussed in this recent blog post from Digital Asset Management software provider MediaValet. The types of digital asset workflow are broken down into two core types: asset-based, and campaign-based, with corresponding diagrams and examples to further explain each approach. For those wishing to dig deeper into the underlying concepts, DAM News Editor Ralph Windsor wrote an in-depth article on Digital Asset Supply Chains earlier this year.
Buying Enterprise DAM Systems Report – Forthcoming Price Change
If you or your organisation is looking to purchase and implement a DAM solution, then solid, expert advice is something you’re going to need in order to make the right decisions. Earlier this year, DAM consultants Daydream published an exhaustive 86 page report covering all aspects of buying an Enterprise DAM system, from making a business case and choosing your vendor selection team, through to writing RFPs, vendor briefs, selecting a preferred bidder and implementation. Due to popular demand and feedback from purchasers, the price will be increasing from $299 to $499 from 15th December. Optional certification is available on request.
Managing social history collections in a digital age
Curator at Welwyn Hatfield Museum Service, Emma Harper, presents an intriguing case study that follows the service’s first ‘born digital’ collection. Relying on the mantra that “digital isn’t different”, Emma walks us through the various ‘Spectrum’ procedures (a standard for collection management in the UK). With a number of actionable tips, insights and resources, the article is a great starting point for anyone that’s used to the curation of physical objects but has yet to transition their skills to the digital realm.
What it a Thesaurus and What is it Good For
Taxonomy expert and author of The Accidental Taxonomist, Heather Hedden, has published an article that explores the various meanings of the term ‘thesaurus’. I’m sure many of us are used to the traditional use of a thesaurus to look up alternative words, or synonyms, but in the context of a taxonomy, Heather explains how the use of ‘synonym rings’ differs from that of a traditional dictionary. As usual, Heather’s explanations are clear and concise, with additional references for those wishing to investigate the topic further.
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