DAM News Round-Up – 2nd April 2024

A selection of DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced by the DAM News editorial team.

Webinar Recording Now Available – Buying Enterprise DAM Software: Myth and Reality

For those that missed it or wish to view it again, a recording of the recent webinar by DAM News and Activo is now available to watch on YouTube.  At just under an hour, it covers Activo’s latest activity from Frédéric Sanuy and Malika Kechich, along with a visual breakdown of the recently published DAM Industry Report and Buyer’s Guide by Ralph Windsor.

Is 2024 The Year of DAM Automation?

Brand Asset Manager at ICP, Ian Matzen, has recently written an article discussing how post-pandemic spending habits have ushered in a new approach to automation.  Referencing a recent martech report (PDF) by Scott Brinker and Frans Riemersma, the post takes a look at the key drivers behind this new wave of automation and covers the what, why and when, along with highlighting areas such as strategic decision-making, user support and creativity, that still require human intervention and oversight.

Optimize Your Media Supply Chain: The Blueprint for Composable Architecture (and the Role of DAM)

Philip Wisniewski from DAM vendor Tenovos explores the growing trend in businesses moving away from legacy vendors and their monolithic software suites in order to save money by assembling their own composable technology stacks.  Additional topics covered include key value chains, ROI, and Tenovos’ own Reference Technical Blueprint (RTB) – an industry-specific tool intended to provide a best practice framework for designing, integrating and implementing software solutions.

Bynder’s ‘Human Touch’ survey uncovers consumers opinions on the use of AI in content creation

DAM software provider Bynder have just published the results of their ‘Human Touch’ survey, whereby 2000 participants were invited to share their thoughts and attitudes towards AI by asking them to spot the difference between an AI-generated article and one written by a trained copywriter.  According to their results, around 50% of respondents were able to spot the AI-generated version, millennials appeared to be the best at recognising such content, and American consumers were 10% more likely to identify AI content than their UK counterparts.  The article includes a number of additional statistics, along with the original pair of survey articles so you can try and spot the difference yourself.

Content Lifecycle Management: Best Practices in 2024

Digital Asset Management vendor Pics.io present their take on the various stages involved in content lifecycle management.  The article breaks down each of their eight stages which incorporate strategy, allocating resources (time, money, hardware/software), building a team, developing a distribution plan, implementing quality control mechanisms, creating the actual content, storage and organisation, and repurposing/reusing content in order to maximise its value.

10 Benefits of Digital Asset Management in 2024

If you’re just starting your DAM journey and have yet to convince stakeholders of its worth, this recent post from Digital Asset Management solutions provider Acquia provides 10 basic reasons that could assist you in building your business case for a DAM implementation.  The benefits listed include: centralised content organisation; streamlined workflows and approval processes; saving time and money by reusing/refactoring marketing assets; brand governance and consistency; marketing integration; built-in DRM, copyright and licensing features; cross-regional sharing and collaboration; and improving overall efficiency by using AI to automate labour-intensive and time-consuming tasks.

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