DAM News Round-Up – 16th January 2023

A series of DAM related articles from around the web, hand-picked by the DAM News editorial team.

The Case for Custom DEI Taxonomies In Your Museum DAM

This recent post from metadata consultant Sharon Mizota makes a case for custom DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) taxonomies in museum and gallery DAM systems.  Citing a number of initiatives by establishments such as the San Francisco Museum of Art and the Minneapolis Institute of Art, efforts are now being made to identify, survey and track the artists and identities associated with their collections.  Sharon describes how the use of custom taxonomies is often necessary in order to avoid the risk of offending or alienating artists, stakeholders and visitors.

AI: What is Natural Language Processing and How Can it be Used by Information Professionals?

DAM professional Ian Matzen investigates NLP (natural language processing) and how emerging artificial intelligence technologies and platforms such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT can be used to enhance Digital Asset Management workflows.  With a series of easy-to-understand explanatory illustrations and examples, Ian introduces us to machine learning concepts such as auto-classification, named entity recognition (NER) and natural language toolkits, along with both the benefits and drawbacks, such as relying on hidden algorithms and the inherent biases of so-called ‘black box’ processing.

Which content belongs in a DAM, and what belongs in a CMS?

This blog post from ICP’s Rahel Bailie takes a look at the criteria for deciding which content should be managed by a DAM system, and how the delineation between DAM and CMS can become less clear, especially as the nature of digital content delivery and consumption becomes increasingly widespread, complex and interconnected.  For more information on the topic, Rahel will be moderating a panel discussion at the upcoming DAM Fest Europe, taking place this week.

Identify & Address Red Flags To Achieve DAM ROI

CMO at DAM software provider Tenovos, Michael Waldron, discusses how to identify the key factors responsible for poor return on investment (ROI) within your Digital Asset Management system.  Red flags include poor user adoption, lack of discoverability, duplicate content, low productivity, and having fragmented or missing data.  For further information, a search for ROI here on DAM News should yield a number of useful articles and resources.

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