DAM News Round-Up – 12th July 2021

A collection of recent DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced from DAM Federation member, Planet DAM.
Understanding Digital Asset Management Pricing
DAM software vendor MediaValet explore the basics of Digital Asset Management pricing in this recent blog post. The article breaks down pricing into three key components: subscription costs, which are usually based on the volume of storage, users and groups; upfront costs, such as installation and initial configuration of the system; and ongoing costs such as training, support and professional services. For a more in-depth study, the DAM News Vendors Pricing Survey is a 7,500 word, 64 page report which includes highly detailed research and analysis into the pricing of DAM systems.
The 5 Most Important Things We’ve Learned About Enterprise Content Management
Information management and digital workplace specialist Laurence Hart takes a retrospective look at the evolution of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) during the last twenty years, along with five of the biggest lessons that he has learned. Topics include getting the right user interface, content models, and the importance of a forward-looking approach to the challenges faced by an increasingly digital ecosystem.
DAM News Interview – David Tenenbaum
CEO and owner of DAM platform MerlinOne, David Tenenbaum is the latest professional to feature in the DAM News interview series. DAM News Editor Ralph Windsor follows David’s fascinating story, from photojournalist through to his work in assisting visual storytellers to create and manage their stories better and more efficiently. David also touches upon MerlinOne’s new AI visual search feature NOMAD, and how the marriage of Deep Learning and Big Data is set to solve many of DAM’s inherent problems.
Ethical AI Is Easier Said Than Done, But We’ve Got to Start Somewhere
Using HAL 9000 from “2001: A Space Odyssey” and James Cameron’s “The Terminator” as sinister reference points highlighting the dangers of AI gone bad, Global CTO & Head of Ecosystems for HCL Technologies Kalyan Kumar explores the topic of ethics and transparency surrounding our growing reliance on Artificial Intelligence. This thought-provoking article presents numerous scenarios where AI has gone awry, along with the disheartening reality that very few organisations are actively monitoring their AI or enforcing safeguards to ensure quality and unbiased training data. Kalyan also provides a number of considerations to bear in mind when building more responsible AI practices.
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