Featured Event – Grand Launch of the Lab for Excellence in DAM (LED) – 7th December 2023

This week’s upcoming featured event is a networking event to celebrate the Grand Launch of the Lab for Excellence in DAM – a research hub at The Creative School in Toronto’s Metropolitan University, led by its founder and director Dr. Reem El Asaleh, who was also a speaker at the recent OnDAM event in Paris. Taking place on 7th December, this in-person event is free to attend and will feature a talk by industry leader David Lipsey, who will be exploring the DAM Capability Model (limited seats available). Attendees will also have the chance to win exciting prizes, gain valuable insights, and participate in a series of upbeat sessions and networking opportunities. The event is sponsored by Activo and MediaValet.
“Celebrate the Grand Launch of the Lab for Excellence in Digital Asset Management (DAM) with us, as we embark on an exciting journey into the future of DAM education, advanced studies, research, thought leadership and community. Connect with the greater Toronto DAM community, where innovation meets collaboration. Engage with TMU’s scholars and talented students. Gain insights and forge valuable connections that help us create and grow the DAM community.” [Read More]
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