Featured Event – 2024 Copyright Conference, CILIP – 23rd May 2024

This week’s featured event is the 2024 Copyright Conference from CILIP, the library and information association. Taking place on Thursday 23rd May, the main theme for this year’s conference is “Copyright: New Horizons – Attack of the Bots”. The key topics covered will include the often contentious relationship between copyright and ethics, licensing, and creatives, and how artificial intelligence and intellectual property often find themselves at odds with one another, primarily in the context of academic and cultural institutions. The event is online, with tickets starting at £200 for members and £300 for non-members. Discounts are available for employee and supplier partners.
“The CILIP Online Copyright Conference is an ideal and unique opportunity for all librarians, archivists and information professionals to update their knowledge and professional practice in this crucial area. Additionally, it will appeal to those who want to update their general copyright, licensing and publishing knowledge. The event is held online via Zoom and delegates will have access to a recording that you can refer to at a later date.” [Read More]
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