DAM Event Updates – 23rd June 2021

Next week there are a number of DAM related events taking place.
On Monday 28th June, MuseumNext are hosting their Digital Income Summit. Exploring the topic of increasing online revenue within museums, this three day event promises a series of keynotes, sessions and presentations from an impressive line-up of international speakers. Tickets cost from £120.
“Have you ever wondered how museums can use digital to boost their revenue? Are you under pressure to build new income streams but not sure where to begin? Over three days, hear from museum professionals and digital experts who’ve done just that! You’ll learn how they have boosted donations, found new revenue streams and won with e-commerce.” [Read More]
John Horodyski and Derke Torrey discuss the numerous benefits of using metadata across your marketing technology stack in Metadata For Martech – Looking Beyond the DAM. This online webinar is free of charge and will be taking place on Tuesday 29th June.
“John Horodyski is a Managing Director with Salt Flats with executive management strategy experience in Information Management including Digital Asset Management (DAM), Metadata and Taxonomy design, Content strategy, Analytics, Governance, MarTech, and Marketing Operations.” [Read More]
Hosted by Digital Asset Management solutions provider Nuxeo, Leveraging data to deliver a digital personalised customer experience is a free to attend online webinar taking place on Wednesday 30th June. Focusing on how personalisation is crucial in building trust and long-term relationships with your customers, the session calls on three digital marketing experts to present their research and insights on improving the customer experience.
“Whilst most organisations are striving to offer a terrific customer experience, only 7% currently do. This session will share exclusive research that re-enforces the importance of building trust with customers and the importance of long term relationships, not just an opportunity to sell more stuff!” [Read More]
Events can be posted by anyone with a free DAM News Subscription account. See the DAM News Events Calendar for more information.
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