DAM Event Updates – 16th June 2021

There are a number of DAM related events occurring next week.
From Tuesday 22nd to Thursday 24th June, the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) will be hosting their 2021 Annual Conference. This free to attend event is aimed at DAM managers, content curators, scholars, libraries, museums and heritage institutions, and anyone working with audio-visual digital content. The two-day event will feature a range of workshops, industry updates, presentations and discussions.
“This event will include sessions that have been traditionally held at IIIF events, such as a newcomer welcome session, the Community Groups update, a roadmapping session, and presentations and lightning talks from the community. In response to the lingering effects of the pandemic, it will also include the opportunity to host and attend regionally-focused online meetings aimed at networking and knowledge sharing with local attendees.” [Read More]
Know Your Makers: People-Centered DAM Thinking at National Geographic Society is a webinar exploring how the National Geographic Society is leverage their DAM system to innovate and support their content strategy. The free event will be taking place on Thursday 24th June.
“Understanding how content creators and DAM users think, behave, and view the world can help create critical building blocks that translate into a powerful DAM user experience. In this webinar, DAM expert Kara Van Malssen (AVP) is joined by Angela Sanders and Jorge Alvarenga (National Geographic Society) to share how people-centered thinking is innovating how NGS is building and managing their DAM program to support the Society’s content strategy as well as the thousands of Society-funded research, educational, scientific, and exploration projects.” [Read More]
Continuing with the topic of libraries and cultural institutions, the National Archives partner with Research Libraries UK and Jisc to deliver this year’s Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities Conference from Monday 28th June to Friday 2nd July. Exploring how crisis can trigger change within the cultural and heritage sectors, the event will feature keynotes, panel discussions and workshops from a broad range of industry professionals. Tickets cost from £60.
“DCDC21 will explore how crisis can act as a catalyst for change within libraries, archives, museums, and cultural organisations. It will explore the impact that crisis can have on working practices, collections, and audience engagement, and how periods of turbulence can lead to new opportunities for research and collaboration. It will seek to examine how cultural heritage organisations can look beyond times of crisis and foster innovation and collaboration in their institutions and communities.” [Read More]
Events can be posted by anyone with a free DAM News Subscription account. See the DAM News Events Calendar for more information.
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