Interview with Martin Reinheimer

The latest participant in the DAM News Interviews series is Martin Reinheimer, Founder of IT solutions consultancy, proCress. With a background in media management and over 25 years’ experience managing a broad range of global projects, Martin’s skillset spans multiple disciplines including software design, development and implementation. Martin is a familiar face in the DAM community and recently attended the OnDAM conference in Paris where we caught up with him. In his interview, Martin provides a number of useful insights into the current state of DAM, and discusses how the evolution of API-first platforms and the rapid adoption of AI technologies is set to fundamentally change the digital asset landscape.
“The last big change in the market came from cloud technologies and API-first implementations. This has brought great systems onto the market. The next big thing is certainly AI – we are in the middle of its implementation and every provider is trying to get a piece of the pie. Generative AI in particular will certainly change the production of digital assets massively, but predictive AI will also bring a lot of change in marketing processes. Overall, the degree of automation of processes will increase significantly.” [Read More]
You can read the full interview at the link below:
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