Call for Contributions: DAM Software Pricing Trends

This month’s editorial topic is DAM Software Pricing Trends. One of the key findings from our DAM Vendor Pricing Survey was a tendency amongst vendors to be somewhat opaque concerning their pricing models and set-up fees. Coupled with the impression that certain vendors appear to demand a premium simply because they have an elevated perception of their own prestige, gaining a clear picture of DAM pricing can often be a frustrating exercise.
With considerable sums of money at stake, how do consumers break this taboo and gauge whether or not they are getting the best value for money? As DAM feature-sets become more homegenised, comparing any given platform’s functionality against another might not always be the best approach to figuring out real-world costs. Additional factors such as ongoing support or upgrade fees, scalability (e.g. additional storage), per-seat licensing, and paid-for integrations also need to be taken into consideration when working out your DAM finances.
Call for Contributions
We’re eager to hear about your own experiences with DAM pricing trends and are inviting our readers and subscribers to submit their stories and insights on the topic. Has your organisation been caught out by hidden costs? Have you made savings by moving to a cloud-based DAM solution? Have prohibitive set-up fees caused you to abandon an otherwise viable initiative?
Contributed articles must be exclusive to DAM News (i.e. not previously published elsewhere), non-promotional and adhere to our editorial guidelines.
You can send your contributions to
We reserve the right to modify submissions in order to comply with our editorial guidelines and will notify the author should we need to make any changes. We will also provide a link to either you or your company’s website and/or LinkedIn profile.
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