Feature Article: Who Needs A DAM Librarian? Part Three – An Open Cover Letter

Deborah Fanslow, has written the third part of her DAM News feature article: Who Needs a DAM Librarian?  In Part III: Information Professionals: An Open Cover Letter she offers some advice for librarians who want to gain employment in the DAM field.  The article is a comprehensive source of advice and covers a lot of in-depth advice, including:

  • A DAM skills map.
  • The demand for suitably skilled DAM professionals.
  • The value of a formal library or information science qualification.
  • A mock scripted interview with a hiring manager for a DAM position.
  • The additional skills necessary to work in Digital Asset  Management as well as the education and training options to fill in the gaps.

In keeping with the theme of DAM and digital curation/stewardship existing as parallel fields (with more in common than not) as discussed in the previous article, the focus of the remaining articles in this series will be on presenting the case for the relevancy and transferability of information professionals’ skills across industry sectors. I will answer David’s call, making the case using my personal experiences, along with wisdom gleaned from studying with and being mentored by many DAM industry leaders who have been so unbelievably generous with their time and willingness to share their passion with aspiring DAM professionals like me. Along the way, I will weave in some more objective measures that will illustrate how the skill sets of information professionals (and by association, the LIS degree) compare to the skills needed to be a successful digital asset manager within the DAM field.” [Read More]


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