OASIS Releases Press About CMIS4DAM
Earlier this week, OASIS released some press about the proposed CMIS4DAM standard:
“Members of the OASIS open standards consortium are defining a profile of the widely adopted Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard for use in Digital Asset Management (DAM). The work of the new OASIS CMIS4DAM Technical Committee will eliminate the need for expensive custom integration by enabling standard protocols for digital assets to travel more freely and efficiently between different systems.” [Read More]
I was previously more actively involved with this than I am now, but due to pressure from work commitments, I have needed to scale back my participation. There is also a quote from Scott Liewehr of Digital Clarity Group which defines the problem:
“There’s a DAM interoperability crisis happening now. Users who manage assets across multiple systems (which is just about everyone) wrestle with complex, costly custom integration. There is a clear and compelling case for a definitive industry-wide standard.” [Read More]
This echoes articles I wrote for CMSWire in 2013 and 2014 about the need for DAM interoperability.
Some points to note about the CMIS4DAM are that currently it seems to be mainly represented by ECM vendors (although there are two DAM/MAM providers). They are obviously keen to progress the association with the core CMIS endeavour (which currently has mixed adoption from DAM vendors). If you wish to become actively involved, you do have to pay a fee to join OASIS, which is not insignificant for commercial membership plans. With that said, there are cheaper individual or not-for-profit options and I believe you can review the discussions on their wiki and listserv.
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