DAM News Round-Up – 22nd April 2024

A selection of DAM-related articles from around the web, sourced by the DAM News editorial team.

6 Benefits of Tracking Image & Video Content Post-Distribution

Licensing, rights and royalties solutions provider FADEL take a look at the numerous advantages of tracking your images and videos after they’ve journeyed downstream in your digital asset supply chain.  Monitoring your digital assets once they’re out in the wild can assist with keeping track of content licenses that are about to expire and help you identify content violations and misuse.  The article also explains how asset tracking can help to mitigate brand-based issues and safeguard your brand’s identity by keeping tabs on brand ambassadors to flag up offensive remarks, adulterated content, copyright breaches and unapproved usage.

White Paper – Measuring DAM Success

In case you missed last week’s announcement, my colleague Ralph Windsor has recently written a white paper for French DAM vendor Wedia.  Entitled ‘Measuring DAM Success’, this in-depth article explores the topic of ROI (Return on Investment) and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) within DAM, and covers a range of subjects including how to understand the value of KPIs in DAM, demonstrating ROI to stakeholders, balancing costs with long-term benefits, and insights on evaluating your current DAM.

April ’24 Features Update – Enhanced Accessibility

This recent blog post from Digital Asset Management platform provider Mediagraph draws attention to the latest developments in accessibility requirements, driven by a raft of federal and state regulations and policies.  The article covers the three-tier requirement levels outlined by the WCAG, along with some general guidance on common areas such as keyboard-only navigation and avoiding mouse ‘traps’ whereby users are required to use the mouse in order to continue or carry out a specific task. Alt text and image descriptions are also touched upon, as well as details of how their own platform has been developed to ensure AA accessibility compliance.

10 Things on the 10th April

DAM, taxonomy and metadata specialist Tracy Forzaglia continues her ’10 Things’ series with a list of interesting, humorous and thought-provoking articles.  This month’s highlights include a taxonomy evaluation piece by Bob Kasenchak, an explanation of what a full-stack conversation designer does from Kane Simms, some cautionary tales concerning AI chatbots, John Horodyski’s article on the recent ‘Kate Gate’ furore, Grace Lau’s State of Information Architecture survey, a podcast episode from Mike Atherton, and a video explaining the tree testing method of evaluating information architecture categories.

How to get user buy-in for your new digital asset management system

DAM vendor AssetBank explains how user adoption can make or break a DAM initiative, regardless of how good the platform performs.  Their six tips for better user adoption include: appointing a DAM champion who fully understands the reasoning behind getting a DAM system; ensuring that any potential system is fit for purpose and is able to serve the complex needs of the whole organisation;  providing sufficient user training, documentation and support; choosing a platform that aligns with your company’s brand and best practice guidelines; regularly monitoring user engagement and providing updates to highlight areas or features that require improvement or promotion; and making sure that your DAM is able to fully integrate with existing in-house systems such as CMS in order to provide a seamless user experience and easy access to your digital assets.

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