Daminion 1.0 Released
One of our featured DAM Vendors, Russia-based Daminion, have released version 1.0 of their flagship workgroup DAM. The main new features are:
- User roles
- Auto-sync folders to monitor for changes and update without user intervention
- Improved RAW image handling (faster imports and more versatile colour management)
- New tags for Rights Usage, Import Tags and Audio Tags
Daminion is a client/server desktop app targeted at the smaller-scale end of the DAM market. They tend to skip over many of the clichés and platitudes that some of their enterprise-focussed peers could be accused of and just concentrate on telling you what they have actually changed with each release. This is from the user roles section of the blog post that describes the updates:
“The new version of Daminion provides different levels of access to shared catalogs managed by Daminion Server. Users with an Editor role can import and edit images and image annotations (tags), while users with a Viewer role can only search for and view digital media documents.” [Read More]
If you have small-scale DAM needs where most of the asset users are located in the same building (or perhaps even as a preparatory locally deployed tool to try and get your media assets into order before you progress to full DAM) then this kind of product might be worth considering.
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