ADAM Release Updated Teamwork Artwork Annotation Tool

One of our featured DAM vendors, ADAM, have released an updated edition of their Teamwork artwork annotation tool.  The new features include:

  • Mobile approvals, allowing users to approve or reject assets and projects via a smartphone.
  • Integrated annotation workflows ADAM’s existing workflow capability.
  • An API that can be used to tailor and adapt the tool for custom requirements more easily.

This release contains a bit more detail than others they have sent us before and the product manager quote does explain why an end user might be interested in using it:

Teamwork 1.1 is designed to provide much greater flexibility in how different stakeholders communicate and approve work. For example, a file to be reviewed could be sent to the marketing department and, if approved, automatically sent to the legal department. Alternatively, these processes could easily be set to run in parallel. Individuals, groups and invited guests can be set up within specific workflows, and annotation rights allocated as needed. And now stakeholders can even approve assets on-the-go with their smartphones in the same highly secure environment you’ve come to expect from ADAM.” [Read More]

Teamwork is built using components provided by ConceptShare and is also used by another vendor in the DAM/ECM arena, OpenText.  As we discussed yesterday, these are both examples of vendors who believe they have some scale and momentum manoeuvring to try to control an application integration platform and draw in end-point applications that others will develop.

Evidently ADAM think they have the market muscle to compete, but there is a risk that larger players (and their ever-expanding packs of partners) may be able to adapt more quickly and leave ADAM being perceived as an old-fashioned monolithic enterprise vendor that wants to try to sell you everything you need, as long as they made it.  I suspect ADAM might not remain an independent vendor for too much longer as the consolidation phase of the maturing DAM market takes hold.

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