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Picvario Inc

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    Vendor Details

    Contact Name
    Serguei Fomine, SEO
    Company Profile
    Picvario is an innovative solution designed to exceed the typical digital asset management platform within the professional community. It offers a range of functions necessary for effective media asset management, ensuring compliance with recognized DAM-system standards.

    One of its standout features is object recognition in images combined with an intelligent search capability, eliminating the need for manual descriptions. Its search functionality, leveraging elastic search, swiftly pinpoints specific visuals based on tags, words, and collections. Advanced search options ensure reliable and precise results, reducing the need to search for individual components and maintaining the integrity of production kits. These features empowers users to effortlessly find the right asset among thousands, enhancing efficiency significantly.

    Picvario seamlessly integrates with the AI solutions marketplace, providing easy access to leading AI algorithms. Users can select and combine various technologies to solve strategic problems, benefitting from Picvario's streamlined integration process. The platform's intuitive interface empowers users to effortlessly curate and categorize extensive image libraries using powerful AI-driven tagging and metadata tools, fostering seamless team communication. The tagging feature facilitates live updates on workflow through comments and notifications.

    Operating in both external and internal modes, Picvario eliminates the need for separate systems, enabling unified management of internal and external resources in a single place. Sharing information with partners becomes effortless through Picvario, offering flexible asset-sharing options such as links or restricted access for partner employees to view only designated assets.

    Facilitating links between assets and enabling auxiliary file uploads, Picvario ensures content consistency and centralizes all necessary content within a single accessible location. The analytics tools provide invaluable insights into image performance and engagement, equipping businesses and creatives with essential data to optimize visual content strategies. It ensures file security during stakeholder sharing, bolstering confidence in collaborative endeavours.

    Expanding beyond media, Picvario seamlessly handles text documents, positioning itself as a DAM and a robust CMS solution.

    Its powerful access rights system allows detailed configurations for different user levels, ensuring precise control over asset access and actions. Additionally, Picvario offers diverse asset cataloging methods, including taxonomy and tags, enabling flexible organization based on individual preferences.

    Lastly, Picvario allows data storage according to company policies, offering an on-premise version for added control and compliance.

    Contact Email
    Company Website
    Years Trading
    Company Turnover Category
    The turnover of the vendor can give an indication of their size. US Dollars is used as common currency to allow comparisons. Note that turnover is not necessarily any indicator of financial stability but as part of any procurement due diligence you are obliged to carry out by your organisation, any vendors who have not agreed to show their turnover here might be required to do so if subsequently appointed.
    • $1m - $2m
    Company Turnover
    This is the actual turnover of the vendor in US Dollars.
    Percentage of Revenue From DAM Software
    A vendor might have a large turnover and many employees, but their DAM software division is a very small element of what they offer. If a large proportion of their revenue comes from DAM solutions (licenses, support, hosting, consulting etc) then this may mean they are more specialised, but also there are risks to their overall financial stability if there is a downturn in the DAM software market.
    Number of Full-Time Employees
    Along with turnover, the number of full-time employees gives an indication of the size of the vendor. Note that although a firm might have many employees, not all of them might be dedicated to developing DAM solutions, so this cannot be relied on in isolation.
    Office Locations
    • Middletown, Delaware, United States
    • Toronto, Canada
    • Cape Town, South Africa
    Product Name
    Latest Version Number
    Date Of Last Release
    Documentation URL
    Online trial link
    Company LinkedIn URL
    Company Facebook URL
    Clients & Customers
    • Polymetal International PLC
    • Hilding Anders
    • Africa Media Online
    • Hilton College
    • Baileys African History Archives
    • Kaspersky
    Partner Network
    If the vendor operates through a sales channel they may use intermediaries who have regional focus or additional specialisms in a given vertical market.
    • Yes


    Licensing Model
    This refers to the type of licence the DAM system software is supplied under. Proprietary means that the developer restricts access to the source code (the instructions used to generate the software). Open source means that the developer provides full access to the code so you can modify it yourself. Split model is hybrid and means they may offer both options with some restrictions removed (or added) depending on the model chosen. If split is selected, it is advisable to verify the differences with the vendor.
    • Proprietary
    Use of Open Source Components
    Many DAM systems use freely available open source components to deliver key functionality. The products themselves may not be open source, however. This question will help to identify to what extent they are open source.
    • Some open source components used, but core product is not open source


    Software Delivery Methods
    • Installed (On-Premise)
    • Cloud/SaaS
    • Hybrid


    Client refers to the type of hardware or software device that can be used to access or control the DAM system.
    • Web client
    Client Notes
    Picvario also provides a mobile version of web application.

    Server Operating Systems supported
    This only applies for installed or hybrid DAM systems and refers to what types of OS they can be run on. This question is less relevant for DAM systems where a third party will be hosting it for you.
    • Linux
    Server Operating System Notes
    Server OS must support `docker` and preferably support `nginx`, `PostgreSQL`, the current version.

    Web Server
    The type of web server software that the DAM system can operate with. Not all DAM systems use a web server and for pure SaaS products the question is irrelevant. If you either want SaaS or non-web DAM systems, do not choose an option.
    • Other
    Web Server Notes

    Software Development Technologies Used
    This means the programming language or development technology used to implement the DAM system. This question is more important for open source software or if you have IT policy restrictions that require you to use (or not use) some technologies. It may not be relevant if you require a hosted DAM and never intend to host the system in-house.
    • Python
    • Other
    Server Technology Notes
    Frontend: Java Script. Frameworks Django and Nuxt are also used.

    Database Technology
    The Database that the DAM system uses. All DAM systems require some kind of storage for asset metadata and they are usually based on an existing technology - but that may not always be a conventional database. If the DAM will be hosted by someone else (e.g. SaaS/Cloud) this question may not be relevant.
    • Postgres
    Database Notes
    Picvario can with other databases as well. This option is available in the on-premise version and involves additional setup work during system deployment.

    Search Technologies
    This refers to third party search components that the vendor uses to provide the text search features (and sometimes other related search functions).
    • ElasticSearch
    • Custom (developed in-house)
    Search Technologies Notes
    In addition to the Elasticsearch search engine, Picvario also utilizes its own search algorithms, which enable the following:
    - Natural language queries.
    - Semantic search.
    - Search with negative queries.
    - Search for similar images.

    Service Oriented Architecture
    Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) means the vendor's product uses a modular architecture where each core DAM function is delivered as a service which can be separated out independently from other functions. It is important for large-scale Digital Asset Management implementations or more complex integration requirements.
    • Yes
    Service Oriented Architecture Definition
    Some vendors have widely differing opinions of what Service Oriented Architecture means. Their response to this question allows you to understand if their definition concurs with your own. If you are not contemplating a large scale DAM implementation or one with many complex integration requirements, SOA may not be relevant to your needs.
    A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that focuses on discrete services instead of a monolithic design.

    Unique SOA Services
    If the vendor uses a Service Oriented Architecture, they should be able to identify a number of unique services that are isolated from each other. Note there is overlap between with question and the one about scalable asset processing. Some vendors do not have an SOA but do offer large scale asset processing capabilities.
    • Asset Media Processing
    • Metadata Extraction
    • Other
    SOA Other Services
    • Proxy Files Generation
    • Face Recognition
    • External Storage Integration Service
    • File Uploading
    • File Collecting
    Service Oriented Architecture Notes
    The File Uploading is designed both as a unique service and as part of a monolithic structure.

    Microservices are similar in nature to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with the key difference being that they can be deployed entirely independently of the platform that uses them. Microservices are usually prevalent in Digital Asset Supply Chain projects.
    • Yes
    Microservices Definition
    As with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) some vendors have different opinions of what microservices are. Their response to this question allows you to understand if their definition concurs with your own. If you are not contemplating a Digital Asset Supply Chain project, large scale DAM implementation or one with many complex integration requirements, microservices may not be relevant to your needs.
    A hybrid microservices approach is used in the application architecture. While most of the services share the same code base and data storage, they are well-separated from each other with minimum mutual dependencies and are deployed in a manner that allows them to process data and scale autonomously. This approach simplifies handling of transactions and allows to maintain data consistency with relative ease, while being able to scale application with minimum effort, and ensuring its reliability.

    Unique Microservices
    If the vendor uses microservices, they should be able to identify a number of unique services that are isolated from each other. Note there is overlap between with question and the one about scalable asset processing. Some vendors do not have microservices but do offer large scale asset processing capabilities via an alternative method.
    • Asset Media Processing
    • Metadata Extraction
    • Other
    Other Microservices
    - Proxy Files Generation.
    - External Storage Integration Service.
    - Face Recognition.
    - File Uploading.
    - File Collecting.


    Search Features
    This describes the search strategies that can be used to find assets. If you do not understand any of them, leave the options de-selected. Most DAM systems should support at least keyword search at a minimum.
    • Keyword
    • Folders
    • Filters
    • Faceted Search
    • Linked Asset Search
    Search Notes
    Among the key advantages of searching in Picvario are the following capabilities: natural language queries, semantic search, search with negative queries, search for similar images.
    In conjunction with Automated Tagging (Labeling), AI-driven Captioning, and Face Recognition algorithms, the search features provide a very positive user experience.

    Index/Search Text Content Of Documents
    Some DAM systems can search the text content of document assets and that might be important for your DAM solution.
    • Yes
    Visual Search
    Visual Search allows your DAM to search and identify digital assets based solely on their visual qualities, as opposed to relying on metadata and keywords. This is often achieved using a combination of natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and image recognition.
    • Yes
    Visual Search Notes
    Picvario allows search for similar images.


    Embedded metadata support (reading)
    Embedded metadata refers to information stored within asset files which can be searched from the DAM system. There are different standards for this type of metadata. Some image cataloguing software like Adobe Lightroom will write this data to asset files and a device like a camera may capture details also such as GPRS coordinates where an photo was shot. XMP metadata is often used with other types of files such as InDesign or PDF. If you are unsure whether this applied to you, do not check any options.
    • IPTC
    • IPTC Core
    • XMP
    • EXIF
    • PLUS
    • Dublin Core
    Embedded metadata support (writing)
    See the reading question above for more details on what embedded metadata is. This question refers to whether embedded metadata can be written back to files if edited within the DAM system.
    • IPTC
    • IPTC Core
    • XMP
    • EXIF
    • PLUS
    • Dublin Core
    Embedded metadata support notes
    On the IPTC website, there is an option to test software, including Picvario, for interoperability with IPTC photo metadata. The link to the test page is

    Controlled Vocabularies
    Controlled Vocabularies are predefined lists of search terms. They can be realised in many different ways but the common factor is the user picks from a restricted selection rather than enters a keyword. Most DAM systems will usually support both controlled vocabularies and keywords.
    • Yes
    Controlled Vocabulary Notes
    Picvario supports both hierarchical and non-hierarchical controlled inputs.

    User Defined Metadata Fields
    The ability to configure metadata your own metadata fields is important for DAM systems so you can assign a dedicated field for certain items of information rather than using a generic classification method or one of the vendor's own standard fields.
    • Yes
    Cataloguing Interface Options
    When cataloguing assets with custom fields, some metadata will be controlled selections, others will be free text. There are further choices like date fields, file attachments etc.
    • Text field
    • Text area (narrative)
    • Drop down menu
    • Combo-box (multi-item selection)
    • Date
    • File attachment
    • Numbers
    • Other
    Cataloguing Interface Notes
    Verify how the vendor has implemented a given cataloguing interface control. It is preferable if they can demonstrate with examples of how they have implemented interface options for cataloguing and metadata entry.
    In addition to the ones mentioned above, Picvario supports the following field types: toggle, datetime, GEO.

    Business Intelligence & Reporting

    Asset Usage Records
    To enable reports to be generated, DAM solutions must retain records of asset usage, including searching, download and editing of records. The reporting should include the user who carried out the activity and the date/time it occurred.
    • Yes
    Audit Trail
    A detailed audit trail that logs every user action in a central record is useful to gain insight into user behaviour. Comprehensive audit trails allow DAM system users to produce reports that address their unique needs.
    • Yes
    Built-In Reports
    A range of built-in reports that you can quickly generate is useful to answer common questions such as the "what is our most popular asset?".
    • Average number of search results returned over a given period
    • Download activity over a given period
    • Login activity over a given period
    Reporting Notes
    In addition to the points selected above, Picvario records the following:
    - Number of logins over a given period.
    - Number of assets at a certain point.
    - Number of imported assets over a given period.
    - Number of downloaded assets over a given period.
    - Used storage capacity at a certain point.
    - Import activity over a given period.
    - Search activity over a given period, including the number of search results per query.
    - Other reports are available.

    Asset Processing

    Dedicated/Scalable Proxy or Derivative Asset Generation
    Nearly all DAM systems will generate thumbnails and previews of media, including more dynamic types like video or audio. Some products use a separate server to do this which usually makes them more suitable for large scale asset ingestion and processing.
    • Yes
    Dedicated/Scalable Proxy or Derivative Asset Generation Notes
    The list of generated proxies is configured in the admin panel for videos and images. In addition, a thumbnail and preview image is always generated for videos. For audio files, a wave image is generated for thumbnailing and previewing. For PDF, an image is generated for thumbnails and previews. For documents, an image is generated for the thumbnail and preview, and the same PDF is displayed in the browser.
    The generation of proxy versions is carried out by separate celery workers.

    Multi-Page Document Asset Previews
    If you deal with document oriented assets, having a solution which can generate multi-page previews (and also zoom in on them) can save the hassle of downloading a file only to discover it is not the one you need. For assets with very similar content, this can be a useful feature.
    • Yes
    Multi-Page Document Asset Preview Notes
    Picvario supports preview for following file formats: 'doc', 'docx', 'odt', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'odp', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ods'.

    Asset Manipulation

    Image Manipulation
    Many DAM systems allow users to manipulate images by resizing, cropping etc. Choose any features which are important to your users.
    • Image re-sizing
    • Format conversion
    • Batch manipulate groups of assets
    Video Manipulation
    Some DAM systems may allow video assets to be converted or modified. If that is a potential requirement for you, specify those features which are likely to be needed. EDL = Edit Decision List and refers to providing in/out points when editing video footage.
    • Format conversion
    • Timeline metadata
    • Batch operations on multiple video assets

    Data Import/Export

    Importing Metadata
    Importing metadata is an important feature if you have either legacy assets or metadata is generated using some other tools (for example a spreadsheet). Not all systems offer this, but usually if the feature is not available, the vendor will be able to carry out batch importing for you via professional services (note: this will usually incur a cost, unlike a built-in capability).
    • No, via professional services
    Exporting Metadata
    As well as importing metadata, sometimes it is important to be able to export sections of it to conduct further analysis in third party applications. Not all products support this, but usually it will be possible to request the vendor provides an export via professional services (although a fee may be charged).
    • No, via professional services


    API means Application Programming Interface and allows third party software to control a DAM system. If you intend to integrate your DAM with another existing solution then you need to choose the API protocol that is compatible with that.
    • REST
    API Notes
    Picvario API enables developers to integrate their applications with Picvario based on a large set of functionalities provided to them and get more suitable and powerful abilities to manage assets across different systems. This feature is accessible via an HTTP RESTful interface; for more API information, visit

    API-First Architecture
    API-First means that anything the user can do via the graphical interface is possible via the API. If a DAM has an API-First architecture it is far more likely to be easier to integrate with other solutions than one that does not.
    • Yes
    API-First Notes
    If the vendor claims an API-First architecture then they should be able to provide a definition of it. In addition, documentation which describes their support for it will typically be available. Implementing API-First is a complex undertaking so vendor development teams will definitely know whether they have this attribute or do not.
    API-first architecture is an approach to software design where the development process begins by prioritizing the creation and specification of application programming interfaces (APIs). In this architectural style, the design and development of APIs are considered foundational, serving as the primary interface for communication between different software components, services, or systems.
    More than 90 % of functions in Picvario are available via API.

    Hooks are related to APIs but are initiated by the application rather than by an external application making the request. Hooks allow other actions to be initiated based on events, for example if a user downloads an asset, an action can be commenced to notify another application that this has taken place (along with the ID number of the asset, date/time etc).
    • Yes
    Hooks Targets Supported
    In most DAM applications that support them, hooks are initiated as web requests, so the system will call a given external URL and provide some parameters. Some solutions also support initiating scripts or applications which can run on the server where the system is hosted.
    • Other
    Hooks Definition
    If the vendor claims support for hooks, check how they define them and see if their interpretation concurs with your own. A reasonably detailed explanation along with citations/links should be given here.
    Hooks provide the ability to initiate processes when a given event occurs.
    The user can configure the execution of actions when certain events occur. Only two events are available: import completion and saving the original file.
    The range of actions is limited. There are available actions:
    - Start auto-tagging.
    - Automatic merging of collections based on results of the specified property.
    - Read metadata.
    - Start face recognition.

    Storage Integration
    Many DAM solutions will now allow assets to be stored on the server of Cloud storage providers. This allows asset files to be distributed and/or integrated with other solutions. Some third party services use generic protocols like FTP, others are proprietary.
    • Amazon S3
    • Amazon Glacier
    • Backblaze B2
    • DigitalOcean Spaces
    • DreamObjects
    • Dropbox
    • FTP
    • Google Cloud Storage
    • Google Drive
    • Linode Object Storage
    • Rackspace Cloud Files
    • Vultr Object Storage
    • Wasabi
    Storage Integration Notes
    Picvario also has integration with OneDrive.

    AI Component Integration
    A number of DAMs integrate with multiple third party AI image recognition components. This question allows you to see which ones they use.
    • Amazon Rekognition
    • Azure Face API
    • Google Cloud Vision
    • Microsoft Computer Vision
    AI Notes
    This question seek to find out how vendors have implemented their support for AI image recognition components. A number of vendors may have also developed custom-built AI solutions entirely in-house and this question gives them an opportunity to present those.
    Picvario can integrate and utilize numerous artificial intelligence algorithms to address business challenges by integrating with the IQPlug AI Solutions Marketplace. More information about IQPlug can be found at

    Content Delivery Networks (CDN) Integration
    Content Delivery Networks allow digital assets to be distributed across a wide geographic area to improve performance and reduce the pressure on the DAM system for in-demand assets.
    • None
    Content Management Systems (CMS) Integration
    Many DAM solutions now provide specific integration modules that allow users to select assets from their Content Management System of choice without leaving the CMS application in order to do so.
    • None
    Creative Tools Integration
    Some DAMs will integrate directly with specific creative tools so designers and creatives do not need to leave them in order to use assets from the DAM.
    • None
    E-commerce Integration
    A number of DAMs integrate with e-commerce systems so that product catalogues can be updated automatically from the DAM. There might also be features like tracking of asset usage and conversion ratios for product images etc.
    • None
    Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Integration
    • SharePoint
    Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)
    • None
    Marketing Operations & Project Management Integration
    • None
    Marketing Operations & Project Management Integration Notes
    Picvario allows copying code with selected assets to embed a gallery with these assets into a website (iframe).
    Additionally, using asset import links in Picvario, tasks related to asset import can be delegated.

    Master Data Management (MDM) Integration
    • None
    Mobile Apps Integration
    • None
    Mobile Apps Integration Notes
    Picvario provides a mobile version of web application.

    Office & Productivity Integration
    • None
    Product Information Management (PIM) Integration
    • None
    Rights Management Integration
    • None
    Sales & Marketing Integration
    • None
    Social Media Integration
    • Flickr
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    Social Media Integration Notes
    Using Picvario Collector Service, you can automatically manage file uploading from social media and websites.
    Picvario Collector Service follows a managed rule and uploads User-Generated Content (content created by regular users rather than official sources or professional content creators).

    Stock Media Providers Integration
    • None
    Stock Media Providers Integration Notes
    Picvario has integration with 123RF Stock Photos.

    Templating & Print On-Demand Integration
    • None
    Video Integration
    • None
    Web Analytics Integration
    • None

    Scripting & Plug-Ins

    Scripting Capabilities
    Some advanced DAM solutions have a scripting capability that allows users or third parties to add functionality which the vendor did not originally envisage. Usually programming skills will be required to use this, but some tools have visual interfaces also.
    • No
    Plug-In Support
    In addition to scripting (or sometimes instead of), some DAM solutions will have a plug-in architecture that allows third party developers to extend the core platform.
    • No


    Authentication Support
    If you need to integrate with an existing corporate authentication service then this option will be important for you.
    • Active Directory
    • Google SSO
    • LDAP

    Multi-Lingual Options

    Multilingual Application Interface Support
    The interface means the controls to use the DAM system. This is different from the metadata support which is usually entered by end users when cataloguing assets.
    • English
    • Russian
    Multilingual Metadata Support
    See previous question. Most DAM systems with multi-lingual support will provide it for metadata.
    • Yes

    Version Control

    File versioning
    File versioning refers to the digital media associated with an asset record. This is usually the minimum requirement for a DAM system to claim support for versioning assets. See also responses to the related question about metadata versioning below.
    • No
    Metadata versioning
    Metadata versioning is separate from the files associated with assets. Many DAM solutions will track updated digital assets but only retain a single current version of the metadata. Since metadata is likely to be edited many more times than assets get replaced, this can be an important point to check.
    • No
    Independent Metadata And File Versioning
    This questions assesses whether the solution allows versions of either the file or metadata to be reverted independently or if both are linked to a single shared version instance.
    • No

    Product Screenshots

    • Picvario main page
    • Collections
    • File import
    • Search and filters
    • Metadata and proxy files
    • Metadata editing
    • Asset sharing
    • Taxonomies
    • Metadata templates
    • Workflows
    • Comments
    • Face recognition
    • Admin panel
    • Reports

    Product Datasheets

    • Picvario Presentation
      Download (PDF, ~1.43 MB)

    Product Videos

    Profile Last Updated: 29/01/2024

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      All profile information has been provided by the vendors themselves and they are responsible for both its accuracy and validity.